Filed under: PC games cheats

Battle of the Immortals Cheats

Battle of the Immortals

Cheat Codes:
Submitted by: David K

Unlockable Rewards:
Stay on the game for a certain period of time to receive these bonus rewards.
They do not have to be in one sitting.

Unlockable How to Unlock
Deity’s Blessing – Stay online for 5 minutes.
Five Extra Bag Slots – Stay online for 50 minutes.
Immortal Koala Pet Egg – Stay online for 15 minutes.
Magnificent Cape – Stay online for 30 minutes.

New player rewards as of update 1.8:
These can only be obtained if you used introduction ID in version 1.8
or higher at time of writing.

Unlockable How to Unlock
* 4 parts of class introduction ID equipment:
-“Complete the first quest and exit your constellation temple”-

* 5 extra bag spaces; you can unlock even more by buying bag expansions.
-“Stay online 50 minutes after creating character”-

* Athena’s blessings, opening this gives class corresponding fashion.
“Stay online 10 minutes after creating character”

* Baby dragon pet egg, opening this give you a pet: Baby dragon, which
has amazing quality, 1800 growth, 3 skills, 2 melds possible, and is
-“Stay online 30 minutes after creating character”-

* Deity’s blessings, an item that gives a 10-hour buff to physical and
magic attack.
-“Stay online 5 minutes after creating character”

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