Filed under: PC games cheats

Big Biz Tycoon 2 Cheats

Big Biz Tycoon 2

Cheat Codes:
Submitted by: conner54

More Money:
To start the game with $1.5 million dollars, launch the game with the “mo_money”
command-line parameter. Example: C:BigBizTycoon2BigBiz2.exe mo_money

Submitted by: Jackie

If you want to loan money but you don’t want to pay.open the
file data ,fine file “general/bank” Change money.

More money/meer geld:
Submitted by: mark rozing

I have a code For big biz tycoon you can set the prize and change the value of

1.start your computer
2.go to shearch
3.klik on sreah voors all files and maps
4.then typ big biz tycoon 2
5.then klik on the map big biz tycoon 2 then you see a few other maps
6.klik on the map Resources
7.then on gamedata
8.if you want to change the prize of products klik on the map products
9.select the kind of products that you want(example:toys)
10.then klik on your product(example:teddybear)
11.then you can see a document where you can change die things like prize resaerch
prize, advertise prize.
12 and enjoy.

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