Filed under: PC games cheats

Crime Adventure Cheats

Crime Adventure

Cheat Codes:
Examine fortune cookie in restaurant -> tells you how to find Mrs.Fenwick.
But Mr.Fenwick won’t give you his putter.Read Mrs.Fenwick’s diary. Read
computer in IBM -> stew recipe. Get all the stuff in Fenwick kitchen.
Make stew. Feed Mr.Fenwick -> putter. Examine dresser -> cash.
Read Fenwick note & Dig ground with shovel -> coi n. Insert coin in
PAC-MAN. Buy pair of golf shoes from shoe store. Get Hairpin & Drop
golf ball in green before putting ball. you are now in an underground
passage. Pick lock with hairpin. Get chair & Drop it below the ceiling
hole. Climb chair & go dini ng room.

1.pay gypsy woman a penny so that she tells you what the author
has already told you ie. your mission.
2.get her painting & she’ll throw you out.
3.hit the arcade machines twice & you’ll get thrown out.
4.go e or w on the e-w roads & you’ll have an accident.

unused – hat, painting, license plate, gypsy mirror.

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