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Friday the 13th: The Game Cheats

Friday the 13th: The Game

Cheat Codes:
Submitted by: David K.

Run Without Losing Stamina:
Basically all you have to to is equipt a weapon and Press C and Shift at
the same time and when you notice that your running all glitchy. Press C
again to look like your about to hit someone and bam your running without
losing any Stamina.

Level Up Quickly:
CP or Customization Points can be mostly earned from the action that are
been done while playing the game. And the easiest way is by completing the
match in less time, so that you can play a majority of the games. By any
means if you die in the game early, don’t be impatient and leave the game
as you will be receiving a heavy XP around 500 while staying and not
leaving the game. So this is the first way you can get some good amount
of points without losing much.

You can even have a chance of getting back in the game as Tommy, as he can
arrive only after a person dies or escapes. And you will receive a heavy
bunch of points for staying in game and the actions that you will perform
being Tommy will give you more.

Tips and Tricks:
-=Playing a Jason=-
* You need to search in the house and barn for counselors to
kill them.
* Be careful while entering the house or barn, they might have
kept a trap on the entrance.
* Use your teleport ability to reach a desired destination quickly.
* You can use shift ability to get close to your target & sense
ability to know where they are exactly.
* Make sure you use these abilities a bit wisely as they take
time to refresh.
* Don’t waste your time trying to enter the room from window as
you cannot, so wait until you catch them outside the house or
be quick to run inside the house.
* If counselors are near the car and trying to escape, you can
kill them by pulling them out from the car window. If there
are many counselors around the car then wait until they enter.
Next you can more easily kill the counselors by pulling them
out of car window instead of running behind them.
* Don’t waste your time after one person as you need to kill
everyone within 20 minutes or you will lose.

-=Playing as Counselors=-
* As the game starts make sure you are quick enough to get into
the rooms. Because if you take time Jason would be somewhere
near you and you don’t want to be the first one to die.
* You can hear nearby counselors.
* Find a walky-talky in a drawer as it will help you to talk
to the rest of the counselors on the whole map.
* Try to find the phone its outside some house with blinking
red light, repair it and call the police
* Search for a car key, gas, and battery to install in the
car so that you can run away.
* Use the radio to distract Jason.
* You can find a pocket knife from any drawers inside the house.
It will help you to get out of Jason’s hold.
* As Jason comes closer to you will hear a different music
playing in the background.
* When Jason uses his shift power to come near you, your screen
will have grainy flickers.
* When Jason is about to attack you, run fast in opposite direction.
* You will find a med spray in the grave yard.
* Search for gas and propeller to escape using the boat.
* Use radios in a clever manner. They will make noise that can’t be
differentiated from you by Jason. You can turn one on as you leave
the cabin to throw Jason a red herring, or you can use reverse
psychology and make Jason think you have left while you hide in a closet.

Repairing a car:
Repairing a car is one the main ways to exit the camp and win the game.
Repairing a car is not an easy task, as you must have specific components
to fix it. Each map has two cars that can be repaired in order to use
them to escape. First, locate a car by looking at the map. While it is
possible to repair the car alone, it is recommended to work with the other
counsellors. To repair the car, you need the keys for the car, gas can,
and car battery. To locate these items, explore the cabins in the area
near where the car was found. You will often find the car keys in drawers,
but not always. Car keys are the easiest to manage of all three items
required to repair the car since they only require one slot. The gas can
and car battery can be found in one of the cabins on the ground. So
basically you have to go through some cabins in the area surrounding the
car. Once you find either the gas can or battery, make sure to go to the
car and start repairing it, which requires you to play a mini-game. Also,
you will be stuck in one position while playing the mini-game. Thus, it
is recommended to have other counsellors with you so they can distract
Jason from killing you as you repair the car. To install the battery,
go to the open hood of the car and interact with it to play the mini-
game. The mini-game is essentially a circle with various bars inside.
Each bar acts as an action prompt where you have to press whichever
button indicator appears. Additionally, you will have to time the
button prompt correctly in addition to just pressing it as each wrong
move alerts Jason and depending how many mistakes you make, you might
need to flee from the area after installing the part. Once you have
successfully completed the mini-game and the parts are installed, get
inside the car and start the car using the car keys. However, there
is a delay in starting the car — so if Jason is near you, you may
want to wait a bit for him to go away. Once the car starts, drive
through the camp’s front gates onto the main road. Also, be careful
while driving the car, as hitting an object will damage it and you
will have to start the car again with the delay. Jason can also spawn
in front of the car and will try to stop the car using his body; avoid
Jason by driving around him, as hitting him will not damage or stun him.

Killing Jason in 8 Steps:
* Find the CB Radio – The first step is to find the CB Radio. Once you use it,
you can talk to Tommy and convince him to come help you.
* Escape or Die – Once you have contacted Tommy, one of your counselors needs to
either escape or die. Once they do, there is a chance they respawn in the match
as Tommy. Once Tommy is in the match, you can now attempt to kill Jason. Female
Counselor Gets The Sweater – One of the female characters needs to go into
Jason’s house and grab the sweater. Once you do, the character will put it on
and with it can trigger a special ability. Be warned, this can only be triggered
once, so don’t waste it.
* Knock off Jason’s Mask – The next step is the hardest. You need to knock off
Jason’s mask. To do this, we suggest stunning him with a trap, then use a blunt
weapon like a bat to smash his face in. The mask will fall off eventually, but
this step is very dangerous, so expect a counselor to die in the process.
* Tommy Must Get the Mask (Optional) – Once the mask falls off, the person
controlling Tommy needs to grab it as soon as possible. Once he has it, Tommy
can put the mask on. Currently, this part doesn’t seem to be necessary. Tommy
can interact with Jason even without the mask.
* Tommy Needs a Machete – Currently unconfirmed, but it’s best to be safe rather
than sorry. Once Tommy spawns, he should immediately try to find a Machete. At
this time, it seems the prompt to kill Jason will only pop up if Tommy has a
machete as his main weapon.
* Stun Jason with the Sweater – Once Tommy has the mask, the female character
with the sweater needs to stun Jason. To do this, stand near him and when he
approaches, activate the special ability. This causes Jason’s mother’s voice
to trigger. This will stun Jason for just a second.
* Pummel Jason to his Knees – Once stunned, you must beat up Jason with any
weapons you have until he falls to his knees.
* Tommy Finishes Him – Once on his knees, the person playing as Tommy must
approach Jason and interact with him using the “E” button, or Interact button.
A cutscene should trigger showing the death. Remember that the Tommy steps can
be done at any point, so don’t worry about someone having to die until you are
getting near the end. The final steps need to all happen very quickly, any
hesitation can result in the stun wearing off and the sweater being wasted.

Weapon Recipes:

There are currently recipes for 30 weapons in the game! To trade weapons simply
drag the three you want to trade into the boxes at the bottom of the weapon window
and hit trade. If you put the correct 3 weapons in you will get a recipe weapon!
(The order in which the weapons go in does not matter it just needs to be the
specific ones for the recipe).

Pickaxe – Battle Axe + Crowbar + Ice Climbing Pick
Ultra Great Sword – Broadsword + Claymore + Battle Axe
Cattleprod – Crowbar + Flashlight + Wrench
Golden Toilet Seat – Toilet Seat + Toilet Brush + ?
Briefcase – Purse + Garden Shears + Coffee Pot
Didgeridoo – Log + Microphone + Splitting Axe
Sledgehammer – Claw Hammer + Dumbell + Club

Display objective items on map for everyone:
If you see an objective item (gas can, phone fuse, car battery, boat propeller, or
keys), pick it up and drop it, even if you are not going to use it yourself. This
will ensure everyone with access to a full map, or if they are close enough for the
mini-map, can see that there is an objective item there. Even if you are not
running a repair character, this will increase everyone’s chances of survival, as
they will know where to go to get the item to complete the objective to escape.

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