Filed under: PC games cheats

Fruits Cheats


Submitted by: David K.

Remove strategic items:
Learn to click and remove the appropriate items so that 3 or more items become
placed next to each other.

Use 4 or more combos:
Shrink the status bar more and earn more coins when you safely eliminate 4 or more

Use hint sparingly:
If really stuck use the hint but be careful because each time you use it the status
bar grows.

Lucky 7:
When any number in your score stops at 7 the next letter of FRUITS lights up. Light up
all letters to earn a safety. A safety clears the status bar and keeps the level going
if your status bar reaches full.

Double or Nothing:
Press the stop button when on the points to earn double your points, otherwise your
lose all those points. Click bank to keep the points earned.

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