Filed under: PC games cheats

Galactic Civilizations 2 – Dread Lords Cheats

Galactic Civilizations 2 – Dread Lords

Cheat Codes:
Submitted by: RM

Cheat mode:
If you want to enable cheats, you have to add the “cheat” command line parameter.
(Note: that’s ‘cheat’ [singular], not ‘cheats’ [plural]) to a shortcut to the
application and you need to add it *outside* the quotes that enclose the
application path in the shortcut. For example:
“C:Program FilesStardockTotalGamingGalCiv2galciv2.exe” cheat

After that, enter one of the following cheat codes:

Result Code
Add 1 to planet class – [CTRL] and P
Add 10,000 BC – [CTRL] and M
Add battleship – [CTRL] and B
Assign remaining planets to major races – [CTRL] and L
Complete social projects – [CTRL] and J
Clone selected ship – [CTRL] and C
Heal selected ship – [CTRL] and H
Hail’s major races – [CTRL] and 0-9
Restart on new map with new race – [CTRL] and N
Research all techs – [SHIFT] and [CTRL] and R
Research current tech – [CTRL] and R
Teleport selected ship to pointer – [CTRL] and T
Save game – [CTRL] and S
Upgrade selected ship – [CTRL] and A
United planets meeting – [CTRL] and V
Remove fog of war – [CTRL] and U
Upgrade selected ship – [CTRL] and A
View frame rate – [CTRL] and F

Use the Dread Lords to your advantage:
Dread Lords are extremely tough if you don’t have enough fire power. But their
advance in technology is ultimately their weakness. When playing with AI allies,
you may wonder why sometimes they get really advanced technology. That’s because
they just captured a Dread Lord occupied planet. Fortunately, their defensive
capabilities are not as good as their offensive capabilities in ground attack.
So if you want to get full advantage of the Dread Lords, prepare one planet
near their border for continuous capture and re-capture. Each time you re-
capture the planet, you get one really advanced technology.

Dealing with Dread Lords:
There is a way to effectively deal with Dread Lords. Their tactic is to send
in small ships to weaken your planet defenses and then send in their usually
unguarded troop ships. Their ships are all weapons and no defense. So its best
you create a fleet of tiny ships with the best weaponry available. Make sure
you have logistics technology so you can attack their ships with your fleet
with an adequate number of ships. Their tiny ships has the speed of 11 and
their small/medium ships have the speed of 5 and their troopships (that look
like squids) have a speed of 6, so be sure to have sufficient ship engine
technology to catch up with them. The troop ships is only a problem if you
don’t have ships orbiting your planets. Since they are usually unguarded,
its best to create a small or tiny ship with only one minor weapon and a lot
of engines, so you can attack them quick and clean. Creating a scout ship with
no weapons and full of scanning modules, positioned at border planets also
helps you prevent surprise attacks.

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