Filed under: PC games cheats

Get Medieval Cheats

Get Medieval

Cheat Codes:
Submitted by: m-mag666
Email: m-mag666@wp.pl

During game play, type:

Code Action
mpkfa – Permanent full haealth, ammo, magic
mpbodyguard – Player takes zero damage
mphighlander – Gives 99 lives
mpthewolf – Jump to next level
mpbadmofo – Go to previous level
mpbringthegimp – Go to the boss area
mpignition – Gives keys
mpturbocharger – Gives scrolls
mppetrol – Gives health
mparmorall – Gives Armor
mpglovebox – Gives weapon
mpshoes – Gives 99 souls
mpironpockets – Robber thief can’t steal from player
mpbandaid – Player doesn’t bleed health
mpboo – Ghost status
mppos – global position
mpfps – frames per second
mplockpick – Gives the skull key
mpomar – Gives the fire shield artifact
mptroadrunner – Gives speed boost artifact
mpwinturbo – Gives super scroll artifact
mpbadbreath – Gives Freak artifact
mpmintybeath – Gives Worship artifact.

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