Filed under: PC games cheats

Hunting Unlimited 3 Cheats

Hunting Unlimited 3

Submitted by: conner54
Edit the file “config.cfg” in the “My DocumentsHunting Unlimited 3” folder.
Change the line:
uset g_console “0” to: uset g_console “1”

In the menu system or hunting mode, press [~] (tilde) to open the console,
then type any of the following codes:

Code Result
gimme_tierz – Unlock All Tiers
g_sun – Change Sun
g_set_fov – Set FOV
g_set_time – Set Date/Time
cheat_animals – Unknown Effect

Submitted by: Mubashar Habib

Edit the file “config.cfg” in the “My DocumentsHunting Unlimited 3” folder.
Change the line:
uset g_console “0” to: uset g_console “1”

While Playing (only) Free Hunt Mode, Press (~) to open the console window then enter
“rkoanimals” (WITHOUT “”) & you will see a lot of animals any where so, you can hunt them easily.

Animals Quitness:
Edit the file “config.cfg” in the “My DocumentsHunting Unlimited 3” folder.
Change the line:
uset g_console “0” to: uset g_console “1”

While at MAINMENU or Playing any Mode(Free Hunt or Tournaments or Editor),Press (~) to open
console window then enter “rkobequit” (WITHOUT “”) & You will see that Animals will be freezed
(No movement of Animals) so, you can kill them easily.
Play & Enjoy…….

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