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Ikariam Cheats


Cheat Codes:
Update by: marios
Submitted by: RM

Speedy build:
Ok,To make this work follow these steps:

1. Upgrade or build something so you have to wait.
2. Back button click the time in the bottom right corner.
3. Click “Adjust Date/Time.
4. Check exactly how much time is left for building. (not including seconds)
5. Take away that amount of time from the clock on the computer.
6. Building should be done!
7. Either do it again or set your time back.

Research Quickly:
How to get research done a lot quicker!

Step 1. Build a level 2 or higher academy.
Step 2. Enter the academy.
Step 3. Look at the progress of the current research and remember how much time is left.
Step 4. Drag the “assign workers” meter so there is the max. number of scientists
Step 5. Click confirm
Step 6. Now compare how much time is left to the old time
Step 7. You can drag the meter back to get more gold again whenever you want but you can
also get research whenever you want too!

Almost free:
Ok so u go to the market and enter the amount of stuff u want copy and past from
tool bar the amount u want and say if the price is 19$ that all u have to pay.

How to use IAC:
* Go to the Military tab in Ikariam.
* Highlight and copy content of that page. In most browsers you can do it
by pressing CTRL+A and CTRL+C.
* Paste the content into a text field on the right.
* Choose language of the log.
* Click [Analyze].

Hint: The Best Defense:
Ikariam contains eight unique troops. Although I could complain about the variations
and specialty of them there is of course one clear winner when it comes to defense.
This troop should be a well know type beyond that of Ikariam and its defensive
powerless should also be as well know. The Phalanx is the key to defense!
It is easily the best value for money, in terms of resources needed to train one
and the upkeep to keep one. They are of course out done by the attack value of
higher up troops but the answer is simply to have.

Free upgrade:
when u need a quick research then u go to the academy, and then u click on change
research and click one of the research’s and the last second click a different one.
only works once per day.

Immediate Research:
Once a day, go to your academy and change your field of research constantly. It
should research one topic for you, if you do it enough. You can only do it once
per day.

Get a little money:
Its not the best glitch ever and i think it works but if you want to be satisfiedyou
have to do this all day. To get some free money (well at least i hope its free.
Click on Island view , then click on the forest (or quarry, vines, mine or pit etc),
then drag the slider value to a different amount from what it is already then click
confirm. You should have one more gold piece! DO it all day and you should get roughly

Submitted by: Jonh

Go to the acdemy, and keep chnging the number of cientists that you have.
This can give you 1, 2, or 3 pieces of gol per click.

Submitted by: Sea

When you are in the town view. you put you cursor on the wood bar and then wait and
then a box will show and write …..so you highlight that patr then press Ctrl-c,
Then dont highlight it any more.
then you highlight the number of wood you have then press ctrl-v

Getting Someone Banned:
All it takes to get someone banned in Ikariam is a little Photoshop work. Bashing is
illegal and the GOs rely on screen shots from the “victim” to enforce the rule. So
you find someone that has attacked you just take a screen shot go to your favorite
image editor and copy the attack line then change the time. Presto banning in
progress. It will take the person that gets banned at least 2 days to get unbanned
even if they are completely innocent. The GOs are extremely slow and usually have
to send the request up to a higher power.

Complete two researches in a day:
Go to your academy then press “Change Field”. Choose the field you want to upgrade
and at the last moment click another one. Your scientist will flash and it will say
“You have researched [name] and [name]”. This works only once a day.

Never loose armies from invasion:
Update by: argo

a really amazing bug!!!!

okay, lets say there are only 1000 resources in your city…city A….500 of the 1000
are protected by the warehouse….all goods you have are in the warehouse. if you are
first level warehouse and you only have a max of 500 per each resource before you cant
take any more, well, you can’t put 500 in the traders, and still have more besides t
so, you have all your resources in the traders, and half of all your resources are
protected by the warehouse protection.

When someone invades, they walk away with what isnt protected….but, after they load
and leave, if you check your traders, all your resources will still be there. So
basically, the game creates new resources to give to the would be pillager…and
leaves you with what you had.

This can be used in two main ways:

1) because having all your resources protected by the traders, you don’t have to
protect your towns….you could, for a time, have all your mines and mills at 0 workers,
you could make crazy $ really quickly, and then you could just buy a ton of trade ships.
and you don’t loose any resources in doing so…except wine. because you need to
constantly use wine….so it is good to have PLENTY of wine before doing this….you
can keep the wine in the traders and just leave 50 or 100 out for each city at a time.
so, it’s a quick way to put all your energy into making gold with no risk….a good
thing to do here would be to fire alot of your army, and just let your cities do there
work. I bet you could get 10 trade ships within a few hours if you did this.

Another thing would be, if your resources are safe in your cities if they are in the
traders, put your resources in the traders in all but one city…then, your main city,
the one you want to build up levels with, you put all your troops and armies and ships.
Then, from there, you pillage everyone around you, building up resources…once you
are satisfied with your level of town house, or governors residence, or of your palace
or whatever, you simply put your remaining resources in the traders, and then send
your army to the next city to do their work there.

By doing this, you could probably build 3 or 4 levels of the palace up in one sitting.
get a bunch of cargo ships while youre doing it, and then go and setlle places, sending
your army in, and settling them one by one….building up GR right away…to get out of
coruption. or at least to 25% or less…then, move onto the next city.

So that is one strategy you could employ with this secret.

2) you can find someone who is willing to be a co-conspirator. what you do is this:
you put all your resources into traders, and same with them. then, when the time is
right, at the same time, you both send all of each others fleets into the other to
pillage….now, what happens? you both pillage, and gain the resources that the game
creates from the bug. so if you both have 10 000 reources, and 1000 are protected, you
each walk away with 9000 new resources that get created out of thin air!

This one is a little more dngerous in that, you could probably get caught if you were
doing it too much….or if you did it a bunch and just…OSHHHHEWWW you went from 100
place to 5 place in overall rankings in a few hours, they would know something was up…

But the first way, there is basically no way they can catch you as long as you arent
putting like 10 000 resources in the traders. and if you have a main city you are
working on at one time with all the armies there pillaging, well, what you can do is
this. Spend all the money on new levels of palaces or whatever, and then move onto
the next place…if you have a conspicuous number of resources, then ship them to the
next city…or even better, because you found a loophole that allows you to concentrte
your might, allowing you to gain $$$ way faster by completely concentrating on one City
at a time, you can simply put them in the traders, in smaller ammount (no more than 5000
at this point in the game), and sell for 5$ each…it isnt alot, but you will sell them
VERY quick, and the $$$ you make can buy you a ton of cargo ships. So you can get even
more when you are pillaging!

Instant research:
Submitted by: Joe

okay so this has been submited before me but mine has a p.s on it.
so this is for instant research of one thing (sometimes it is two if you are lucky)

1. Go to academy.
2. Click “change” on “field of research”.
3. Click on a different subject to the one you already have.
4. Before it loads click on a different one.
5. One or two researches should have been done.
p.s: Only works once a day. With me on some days it does not work at all. it usually puts
you on world map if it does not work but once i was put to world map but it still worked.
Remember to look at your research tab after you have done it!

3 Key Formulas to Skyrocket Your Ikariam 3.0 Score:
Submitted by: Kenton Bruice MD

Already a veteran Ikariam 3.0 player? Go one step further: Learn the formulas! Ikariam
relies on several not-so-well-known equations. To score higher, begin by learning how
Gameforge gets the scores. Dont be lazy, let Katty Mann (hey, thats me) teach you the
math involved.

1. Total Score Formula
Total Score = Citizens + ($ spent on ships x ( 0.01) ) + Generals + Master Builder +
(6 x Scientists)
Trick: Raise, then Train. As you can see, each citizen adds one point Accommodate the
highest number of citizens possible before attempting to build a soldier or a ship. Only
then, train a few of them; but no more than the growth rate of your population.
For instance, if your population grows at about 8 citizens per hour, make no more than
one or two Steam Giants8 citizens each and let the population recover
Pay attention to the last element of the equation: the number of Scientist, the most
important variable in the Total Score. Scientists, a rather misleading word, IS NOT the
number of citizens you assign to research, but a 1% of the research achievement light bulbs.
Trick: Build more Academies. Do so in all your colonies and assign as many researchers
you can afford. Even in your mobile colony you should build an extra Academy, because its
cheaper and builds in minutes.

2. Generals Formula
Generals = 0.02 x (wood + crystal + sulphur + wine) ***
***goods used to build units or war ships
The Generals formula reveals the amount of goods used to build soldiers and war ships. In
other words, it measures the importance of an army. Missed in Action soldiers/ships dont
count, only current units do.

3. Hideout and Risk Formula
Risk of being caught (up to 95%) = (Risk before the Mission) + (5 x Enemy Spies Defending Town)
+ (2 x Enemy Hideout Level) – (2 X Enemy Town Hall Level) (2 x Your Hideout Level)
Because in Ikariam 3.0 players can send as many trade ships as desired when pillaging, they
will obviously spy on your cities to assess how many cargos they will need during an attack.
You can prevent others from infiltrating in your towns if you know how to counteract their
actions. Again, you need some math.
Raise your hideout level. The higher your hideout and the number of spies working on the
defense, the better your chances to catch an enemy spy.
Trick: Use the Ika-World Search Engine. If you find a spy and can only get the name of the
island it came from, go to ika-world.com and use the search engine to find its coordinates.

Feel free to publish this article on your website or blog. If you do, please add this info
about the author: Written by Katty Mann. You can find more of her articles at
Kenton Bruice MD
9570 S Kingston Court, Suite 100
Denver – Englewood – Colorado
80112 – (303) 957-6686

Submitted by: YoYoMa
OK this only works for BUYING RESOURCES not selling them.

1-Go to your shop thing and select ”i am looking for” then whatever you need.
Next click the trade symbol.

Now here is were the hint comes in were it says Price per Peace next to that it says maximum
price you have to do 1 not 0 if u do 0 it says the trade fleet does not have any frieght so
you do all this and then u get x amount of resources for 1 gold per peace.
Hope this wasnt too confusing.

Free supplies:
Log into your Ikariam account. Make sure your warehouse is upgraded to a good level (for
example level 4 or 5). Change the date on your system. Presuming your warehouse can hold
the sufficient amount, your supplies will increase. Note: Do not try this if you have an
active building queue; your supplies will just reset. Before you change your system date
back to normal, close the Ikariam account. Otherwise your supplies will go to zero or

The Best Defense:
Submitted by: destroyer

Ikariam contains eight unique troops. Although I could complain about the variations
and specialty of them there is of course one clear winner when it comes to defense.
This troop should be a well know type beyond that of Ikariam and its defensive
powerless should also be as well know. The Phalanx is the key to defense!
It is easily the best value for money, in terms of resources needed to train one
and the upkeep to keep one. They are of course out done by the attack value of
higher up troops but the answer is simply to have.

Speedy build:
Submitted by: destroyer

Ok,To make this work follow these steps:

1. Upgrade or build something so you have to wait.
2. Back button click the time in the bottom right corner.
3. Click “Adjust Date/Time.
4. Check exactly how much time is left for building. (not including seconds)
5. Take away that amount of time from the clock on the computer.
6. Building should be done!
7. Either do it again or set your time back.

Cargo Ship / Resource:
If someone is transporting some goods to you, in Military Adviser you won’t be able
to see how many of them are coming. You will need too buy Ambrosia for that, but
don’t rush! If you go to the Trading Port you will be able to see exact number of
goods coming.

Seeing other towns with spys:
If you have a spy in a town Did you know that you can see the town And if you keep that
spy in that town forever you always can see inside and the person will never know and
the spy cant get caught and missions just allow you to look inside the buildings.

Recommended start:
Once you have signed up for an account, you should do three things. First, build an
Academy. Second, divide your staff evenly between cutting lumber, making money, and
researching. Third, log off your account and return a few weeks later. You will have
an incredible amount of money and resources, and will be extremely advanced. This
method is much better than playing the game. Because it is based in real time, there
is only a very small amount you can do in the first week. If you use this method,
you will come back to find you are very advanced, and only then is the game worth

Saving half of your resources:
Submitted by: black man

Instead of loosing all of your resources you save half when you know your getting attack
and your military advisor is red send all of your resources to one of your own towns and
the ships will get mixed of in a sea battle away from your town by the attacker they only
get half of the resources on bored and your ships and resources come back.

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