Filed under: PC games, PC games cheats

A Short Hike Cheats

A Short Hike

Cheat Codes:
Submitted by: David K.

Written by nakami
Keyboard cheat codes for A Short Hike.

Hey! Since this is a single player game it should be okay to reveal the
cheats in this game. Some may be neat for speed-running or experimenting,
some are fun to try out after you finished the game. First be sure to
enable cheat codes by writing the following cammand on your keyboard:


You should see a little toast in the upper left corner afterwards.

Besides the cheat codes I enlisted here, I’ve found some that seem to be
used for development which I omitted from this guide as they don’t offer

Caution: There is a leaderboard for the beachstickball game and some cheats
disable participation for the particular save file you’re playing on. You
can make a backup of your save file by going to
“%appdata%/../LocalLow/adamgryu/A Short Hike” and creating a copy of
the file “GameSaveNew.mountain”.

-=Item Cheat Codes=-
featherplz – get a golden feather.
nopeplz – remove one golden feather.
sunhatplz – get a sun hat.
coinsplz – get 50 coins.
shellsplz – get 14 shells.
shovelplz – get a shovel.
shoesplz – get running shoes.
greedyplz – get all items once (just one fish)
Caution: will disable beachstickball leaderboard participation!
allfishplz – get a fish of each species.

-=Rendering Cheat Codes=-
User Interface

fpsplz – toggle fps counter display.
speedrunplz – toggle speed run clock display.
hideuiplz – hide user interface.
showuiplz – show user interface.

-=Rendering settings=-
15fpsplz – set maximum fps to 15 and disable vsync.
45fpsplz – set maximum fps to 45 and disable vsync.
lowresplz – render with a width of 480.
midresplz – render with a width of 622.
highresplz – render with the width of the current display.

-=Cinema mode=-
Cinema mode let’s you rotate the camera freely.
The controls for keyboard and controller are different.

cinemaplz – enable cinema camera

-=Gameplay Cheat Codes=-
restoreplz – restore feather energy.
Caution: will disable beachstickball leaderboard participation!
imstuckplz – teleport to aunt.
fishplz – toggle faster fishing.

Treasure Map Locations:
-=In Her Shadow=-
Map location: In a chest located on the deck of the fisherman’s boat.
Treasure location: Dig at the tip of the lighthouse shadow.

-=The King’s Throne=-
Map location: In a chest located near the abandoned building.
Treasure location: Dig on the grass top of a rock platform on Royal Ridge.

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