Filed under: PC games cheats

Aggression – Reign over Europe Cheats

Aggression – Reign over Europe

Cheat Codes:
If to you it tired to accumulate resources.

We go to..:
Program Files.BukaAgressi4.data.XmlFiles.GameParams, file is opened with
text editor and it is changed the following parameters:

This is industry:
Industry “value =” e000″/
we enter any purely from 1 to 999 999 999 without the gaps.

This of knowledge:
Science “value =” 799″/>
we enter any purely from 1 to 999 999 999 without the gaps.

We harvest small cross (to preserve). Now we go in the game for Russia
and be glad at life. If you want to use the codes for any other country,
enter standard to tuning industry and knowledge conversely (if they
changed) – the parameters of other country lower than Russia.

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