Crimesight Cheats
Cheat Codes:
Submitted by: David K.
Basic Guide For Beginners:
Written by Atlas
On game start, a Killer and Victim will be selected randomly from the pool
of pawns. Moriarty is told exactly who these people are and needs to
manipulate the Killer, with a weapon, onto the same square as the victim –
Sherlock’s game is figuring out who they are based on context clues and
process of elimination.
The game is split into 3 days, with 3 phases each. If the game goes that long,
there is a 10th phase in which Moriarty gets one more turn to try to get
everyone into position, after the final deduction. At the end of each day,
all pawns with no food will become hungry and be limited to 2 movement squares
apiece. Sherlock will also reveal whether or not the Victim and Killer are
within 3 pathable squares of each other.
In each phase, Moriarty and Sherlock will simultaneously select pawns to move
around the board. Sherlock gets to move any 3 pawns, while Moriarty can move
2 pawns – but not the designated Victim. Ties go in favor of Moriarty, but
will rule out that pawn as a Victim. Any pawns not moved by a player will
move automatically and randomly.
Moriarty has a special action called Assail – once he selects this, the
Killer will go last in the turn order and will attempt to move directly to
the Victim for the kill. If the Killer is unable to kill the Victim on this
turn, both the Killer and Victim will be revealed to all players and a final
turn is played to determine who wins.
What the rules really mean / What do I need to pay attention to?
The biggest swings in the game will occur at the end of each day
Easily the most impactful point of the game are the day end deductions,
where Sherlock lets you know if the Killer and Victim are 3 pathable squares
apart or not. If there are only a few people who are possible killers, you
want to ensure they are all either within 3 squares or all too far away to be
included in the deduction – having your suspected killers separated during
the deduction can result in the possibilities narrowed to one, which will
instantly trigger the final turn. If your Killer is too far away at that
point or there are too many bystanders nearby, that can be an instant loss.
Make sure your important characters have food before the end of the day
Moriarty has vision of what nodes have food and weapons, so it is
comparatively easy to ensure the Killer has food and doesn’t become hungry
at the start of the next day. Not only will you be more likely to be out of
position because of the end of day deduction, when you’re moving to Assail
you will want to be able to do full 3 move turns – otherwise it becomes
extremely easy for the Victim to stay out of range.
This also means it is extremely advantageous to try to deny food to the
Victim – if they are limited in their movement, it becomes much easier to
catch them during the final Assail if you get to a point where you need
to use it.
Sherlock does not have vision of which nodes are food and weapons, so
your goal is to search as often as possible. You can also use food and
medicine from other pawns on your suspected Victim, which can help them
regain their mobility.
-=How do I Sherlock?=
* Pay attention to your UI
* The game will keep track of all the confirmed tells – in practice, every time
you lose a pawn movement conflict you learn that the pawn is not a Victim,
since Moriarty can’t move Victims. You can often use this to eliminate the
pool of Victims, and learn exactly who it is you need to be protecting.
-=Take advantage of your nightly deduction=-
The nightly deduction is your best tool for determining roles – if you have
a good idea of who the victim is and have narrowed down who you think is the
killer, it becomes easy to manipulate the pawns to only have a few of them
on each side of the 3 pathable square rule. Once you know the likely Killers
and the Victim, it becomes easy to keep bystanders nearby to prevent the murder.
How do I Moriarty?:
-=Feed your Killer
In this game you get 10 turns to put your Killer in the same square as the
Victim with a weapon in their hand – but you only get 3 turns to get them
food before they become hungry and you can’t move them as far. This means
your number one priority is to make sure your killer has food by the end of
each night phase.
-=Starve the victim
Going along with the last tip, it is an extreme advantage for you if the
victim isn’t able to move as far each turn – so if you have a pawn nearby
that isn’t going to be relevant anyways but you can use them to steal a
likely food source from the victim, that can pay dividends down the road
when it comes time to corner and kill them.
-=Dodge the nightly deduction
The thing that will trip you up the most in this game is the nightly
deduction, where Sherlock checks for the Killer and Victim within 3 squares.
It is extremely important then to assess which Killers are still available
and make sure that they are either ALL within the 3 squares, or ALL outside
of the 3 square range. Otherwise you may find yourself in a situation where
the killer is one of only a few possibilities – or worse, only a single
possiblity which will trigger the final turn and cause you to lose the game.
-=Non 1v1 games – what do I need to know?
3v1: The game plays exactly the same, except the 3 Sherlock turns are split
among 3 different players who each receive one. You will have to coordinate
your movements via the ping system, but Moriarty will also be able to view
your communications (unless you figure out who he is and block him).
2v2: The two Sherlocks receive 2 actions each, with Moriarty keeping 2
actions and all the powers he has in the 1v1 game. The other character is
Irene, who works with Moriarty and has only 1 action. She is also unable
to use fuse boxes. However, if she seizes control of a pawn the Sherlock
players are NOT notified, which means she should probably be the one to
move the killer around as it will not update the UI to show them as a
non-victim in the event of a movement
-=I don’t have the game yet – what is it?
This game is essentially an asymmetric boardgame in which both players
act simultaneously. The two teams are:
Sherlock – You enter the game with no role knowledge, and must make
deductions based upon the actions of the other player. These can be soft
tells such as observing a pawn following another one suspiciously, or
more obvious ones such as a pawn moving in a way that would normally be
impossible or the other player seizing control of a pawn you attempted
to move.
Moriarty – You have less moves than Sherlock (2 as opposed to his 3), but
as you move simultaneously, any conflicting orders to a pawn will be won
by you. You have full knowledge of the Killer and Victim, and your goal
is to engineer a situation where the Killer, in possession of a weapon,
is on the same square as the Victim with no bystanders able to intervene.
Your only restriction is that you are unable to move the designated Victim.
The game has a UI that will keep track of any confirmed tells, which is
visible to both players. For example, if Moriarty moves a pawn and seizes
it from Sherlock, the UI will update to show both players that this pawn
can not be a Victim (since Moriarty is not able to move Victims).
Tips and Tricks for New Players:
Written by Guide
Here you can find few useful unmentioned stuff.
-=Beginners Tips=-
* Click close in the upper right of subtitles to skip all, speeding up
gameplay for all.
* Secret doors still block LOS between rooms when opened, like walls. Rooms
remain the same and you have to be inside the same room to be a witness.
* Moriarty can sprint a pawn without ailments at any time.
Directly spraying a pawn with tear gas and trapping a secret door are both
mentioned in passing, but do not seem to be possible. Pawns take damage if
they the end turn in gas, and secret doors only allow movement between rooms.
-=Basic Sherlock tips=-
* (4 player mode) Communicate with your team as much as possible, its how you
figure out who is playing as Moriarity.
* Beware of being fooled in the last turn when its a vote tiebreaker. If
someone stalked target 99% of the game, they were probably the killer.
Moriarity+Irene votes will show up so they can mislead you but do not
count. The killer needs to be voted by Sherlocks(not sure how many in
multi-sherlock games, but I’ve confirmed 1 sherlock vote isn’t enough in
4 player mode with 3 sherlocks)
Unknown stuff related to food timing
I’ll add if I discover anything related to manual feeding here. E.g. when
they next get hungry, how many hunger afflictions are removed, etc.
-=For now=-
It seems that if you feed a pawn with 2 critical hunger afflictions at night,
the next day they’ll be hungry. Effectively losing 2 hunger for 1 food. Note
that this is the same result a hungry pawn gets anyway if they auto eat food,
they’ll be restored to full next day(lose 1 hunger and negate 1 hunger), which
is efficent food usage.