Filed under: PC games cheats

Fallen Earth Cheats

Fallen Earth

Submitted by: David K.

* Don’t judge the game by the tutorial. It’s not a bad tutorial, per se,
but it really is not representative of the game past that.
* Make sure to open your Action menu (N) and drag down the skills to your
hotbar — they aren’t automatically added, and the action menu is easy to
* On your stat sheet is a drop-down box that lets you choose a build, and
then provides helpful visual indicators of where to put your AP in order
to create that build.
* Park your horse/ATV at a garage (gas can icon) — you can’t put your mount
back in your inventory after using it.
* Use a melee item early on in the game to save ammo (trust me, you’ll do
just fine DPS-wise)
* Loot and harvest everything! Try not to buy crafting mats, as they should
be readily available for the taking if you look around.
* Since crafting is real-time and occurs whether you’re online or not, try
to always be crafting, and fill up your crafting queue before you log off.
Crafting not only levels up your skills, but gives you XP!
* Right-click on an item in your inventory and select it as “precious” so
that you can’t accidentally sell it.
* ALT+holding your right mouse button allows you to swivel the camera to
see your character’s front.
* You can (and should) salvage crafting items you make but don’t plan to
use for more materials.
* Click, drag and resize your action bar box to open up additional rows of
hotkey slots.
* Most of the UI elements can be moved, resized and made transparent.
* When dual-wielding, hold down both mouse buttons to attack with both
* How to spec your character? A good general set of guidelines to follow
would be to: Pick One Offensive Skill. (Rifle, Pistol, Melee); Pick One
or Both of the non-mutation based defensive skills. (Armor Use, Dodge);
Pick at least One support/buffing/debuff skill. (Group Tactics, First
Aid, Empathic, Primal); Add only to Four or Five stats that support the
skills you’ve picked. Try to make sure the skills you pick work in synergy
to the stats that support them. Six is far too many (You wont’ have points
for anything else) and Three is far too few. (Even if you don’t use
Coordination for the defensive skills, you’ll need Willpower for the
Defensive Mutations)
* If you’re not in a rush to get to Sector 2, then take the time to go around
to all of the starter towns and do the quests. Not only will you end up
with lots of XP, money and crafting recipes, but you’ll net quite a few
character-building bonus AP, which will help you out severely as you
progress to higher levels.
* It helps to get a mount early, and horses are fairly easy to make. When
you craft your first horse, upgrade the bridle to an improved bridle to
get a better horse (once you “use” the bridle, you can’t work on that
horse any more, and the improved version of the starter horse only
requires one more item).
* Your mount has an inventory (it’s on the mount interface under “info”).
Shove heavy stuff in here to free up your own pack space.
* If you find a cool place that you want to remember, open your tactical
map (M) and right click on it to place a waypoint. Alt-P lets you switch
between waypoints.
* Explore.
* Go off the beaten path.
* Don’t get obsessed with just quests, as exploring can net you a bounty
of resources, and the thrill of discovering secret little areas.

The world as we know it has fallen to ruin in the wake of the Shiva
plague and a nuclear holocaust. Civilization’s last flickering flames
gutter in a small portion of the American Southwest, around the Grand
Canyon. While humanity fights to survive and rebuild on the ashes of
the old world, new factions struggle for dominance: the stern Enforcers,
the spiritual Lightbearers, the nature-loving Vistas, the gadget-happy
Techs, the merchant-minded Travelers, and the savage Children of the
Apocalypse. The conflicts and alliances between these factions create
a dangerous ebb and flow that could make even bleaker the future of the
Grand Canyon Province … and of humanity as a whole.
Fallen Earth is a massively multiplayer online roleplaying game set on
a post-apocalyptic Earth in the year 2154. Six factions struggle for
dominance in the province. Over time, you’ll have the chance to pick a
side in the effort to hold sway over what remains of the post-Fall world.

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