Fallen Empire – Legions Cheats
Fallen Empire – Legions
Cheat Codes:
Submitted by: RM
Hidden Room:
In the Map Moonshine (the big one with a green floor) in the very middle of
the map there is a rectangular metal hill. Jump to the side and you will see
an entrance. Walk in. The floor should be black and there are boxes on all
the corners. These boxes can be used to recharge your guns (just walk up to
the box to recharge). This place is really good if you want to hide (go into
the far corner and nobody will see you in the dark) or just as a base to
recharge and an is easy to defend.
Get a Ultimate ammo:
Submitted by: Fallen Empire player
In the game choose Rockeeter and before you want to use a gun press [3] then
use it, but you have to press [3] evry time you change the gun.
[WARNING]: If you used the cheat and you didn’t changed the gun, you will not
be abbly to use Zoom , only if you changed the gun and you didn’t press [3]
then you will be abbly to use the Zoom.