Filed under: PC games cheats

Finders Keepers Cheats

Finders Keepers

Submitted by: David K

Bombs Away!:
If you’ve grabbed something heavy and not worth very much, just click on
the bomb bag to the right of your boat to blow it up so you don’t have
to wait. The number on the bag tells you how many bombs you have left.

Kitty Cannon:
Your cat Goldie can really help you out – click on him when the cannon
appears on the boat and he’ll blast obstacles out of your path!

Item purchases and general hints:
Submitted by: Kay

* If funds are low, do not purchase the Spinach – it does not speed up your
pulling power enough to make a difference to your total – or the Speed
Engine – all it does is move the boat side to side a little faster.

* Always purchase bombs whenever you have the funds. They are not always
offered and you can never have enough bombs, to get rid of enemies/
obstacles, to free the animals in the later rounds and to clear the rope
of unwanted items. It is not worth purchasing the Armor until the third
round – there are no pirates or other marauding attackers until then.

* Goldie’s cannon is usually a useful purchase, especially on rounds with
large rock obstacles, but you may not get more than one chance to use it
so buy it when it’s cheap. The clock (extra time on then next round) is
a good purchase too.

* Snare the puffer fish or bomb them when they are deflated – if you grab
or hit them when they’re inflated they will destroy everything in their
vicinity, including treasures and fish. If there are several inflated
they will start a chain reaction which can destroy everything of value
in the round.

* When your obstacles include large rocks, snare them and immediately
bomb them – they usually block a clear path to higher value treasures.

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