Filed under: PC games cheats

Fingered Cheats


Cheat Codes:
Submitted by: David K.

Easy “Canicide” achievement:
The special character required is “Juicy James”, and you must execute him.
It does not matter if he is the person described by the witness. James,
like other special characters, can appear any day. Choose anything and fail,
then quickly restart the game on Day 1. Note: “Juicy James” is James Id,
the game’s programmer.

Easy “Chronocide” achievement:
The special character required is “Erotic Evans”, and you must execute him.
It does not matter if he is the person described by the witness. Evans,
like other special characters, can appear any day. Choose anything and fail,
then quickly restart the game on Day 1. Note: “Erotic Evans” is Jon Evans
from Ridiculon.

Easy “Dominicide” achievement:
The special character required is “Exalted Edmund”, and you must execute
him. It does not matter if he is the person described by the witness.
Edmund, like other special characters, can appear any day. Choose anything
and fail, then quickly restart the game on Day 1. Note: “Exalted Edmund”
is Edmund McMillen.

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