Filed under: PC games cheats

Fire Drill Cheats

Fire Drill

Cheat Codes:
Submitted by: rickHH

Use the following tips and hints to improve your game-play
for this game.

Watch your meters:
The most important strategy to winning the game is
to keep a close watch on your ammo and health meters.
It can be very frustrating to suddenly run out of ammo
and then have to backtrack through the office to find
another fire extinguisher while the fireballs continue
to spread.

Choose your targets:
A large room full of flammable objects is considerably
more dangerous than a single office, because a single
fireball could ignite everything in the room in a very
short period of time. In contrast, once a fireball
sets the few objects in the single office on fire, it
must go searching for something else to set on fire.
Quickly extinguish the large group of fires clustered
together and the raging fires (colored red/yellow) before
going after the smaller scattered fires.

Cover your back:
The water cooler is a very valuable tool, especially in
the more difficult levels. You can use it to help contain
an area while you direct your efforts elsewhere. Also,
it is good for preventing fireballs to circling around
you and setting everything on fire that you just put out!

Blast everything in sight:
Picking up the fire hose right before entering a room
cram-packed full of fireballs will certainly save your
health. Ignore the fireballs and click on the flammable
objects. As you move within range of the target, it will
automatically shoot all the fireballs that come close to
you. Be careful to keep moving, otherwise you’ll get
burned by the fireballs.

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