Filed under: PC games cheats

Fitness Frenzy Cheats

Fitness Frenzy

Skill level Cheats:
Submitted by: RM

– Right click the icon for the game.
– Choose properties.
– Click on the ‘Find Target…’ button.
– This will make you go to the game folder.
– Look in the folder call “Levels”.
– Find any files which starts with Customer e.g. “CustomerCyclist”.
– Double click it to open the file in notepad.
– You will see Skill level and Workout speed for the customer.
– You can change the Skill level to 10 to make the customer very skillful
in which they won’t ask for your help.
– And changing the Workout speed to 0.5 makes them workout faster. WARNING!
Do not change the speed to less than 0.5 and don’t give them drinks or
else they will workout too fast and an error will pop out everytime they
finish a workout.
– Close the file and save it.
– Do this for every other customer and all of them will not ask for help
and will workout much faster.

Money Cheat Codes:
For buying equipments for little money follow these:

-Go to the game directory.
-Go to the “Levels” folder.
-Find “EquipmentData.txt” and open it.
-And change any value for equipment you desire :).
(You can use the “Find and Replace” function to find all 00 and replace them
with nothing.)

XP for your Girl:
For having all XP for your girl follow these:
– Go to game directory.
– Open “Levels” folder.
– Find “XPPointsPerLevel.txt” and open it.
– You can use the “Find and replace” function just like previously.
or just edit the numbers with zeros to whenever you wish.

Note: That every file that you edit you could do a mistake so please before
editing game files make a backup of them.

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