Filed under: PC games cheats

God Father Cheats

God Father

Submitted by: paulie

From pause menu, (esc) type cuneo and receive $5000.

Type holiday inn during game play

Update by: aairaza
Submitted by: Arun Shakya

Type “corleone” to be on full health if you are hit.

In pause menu type “stracci” for maximum amount

Infinite Money:
To get infinite money, you need to stay in a safehouse. Type in
“cuneo” (without quotation marks)at the pause menu to receive
$5,000. Then save, pause and go to the Main Menu. Load up your
game again and then re-enter “cuneo” (without quotation marks) at
the pause menu to get another $5,000. Repeat until you have a
satisfactory amount of money.

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