Filed under: PC games cheats

Airport CEO Cheats

Airport CEO

Cheat Codes:
Submitted by: David K.

Easy Money:
This is a tip how to get money very quickly and without a lot of effort.
At least 18000$/hour in the beginning.

So here it is: Deign your foundation as if you were using it for commercial
flight, but use normal deviation first and build in the building at least 4
Shops and 4 Cafes, all 8 with 250 square meter and several fridges and shelves
(6-8 in each shop/cafe depends on the contract).
This will make you around 20k/hour.
Even during nights!

With this setting you play the extreme difficulty as if it was a normal game.

Note: This might not work for later versions, but for 0.21.10 it does.
Maybe the developers restrict that you can have 3 star shops/cafe from beginning.

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