Angry Birds Friends Cheats
Angry Birds Friends
Cheat Codes:
Submitted by: David K.
Sound Board:
Complete Worlds 1 through 3 with a 3-star rank.
Golden Eggs:
Complete the indicated task to unlock the corresponding Golden Egg.
Golden Egg 1: Complete all levels in Worlds 4 and 5 with a 3-star rank.
Golden Egg 2: Tap the sun at the selection screen.
Golden Egg 3: Tap the egg that appears at the end of credits.
Golden Egg 4: Tap the egg that appears at the end of the “Help” screen.
Golden Egg 5: Tap the “out of reach” chest in the level 1-8.
Golden Egg 6: Burst the beach ball in level 2-2.
Golden Egg 7: Tap the egg at the top right of the map in level 4-7.
Golden Egg 8: Tap on top right part of the left tower in the level 5-19.
Golden Egg 9: Burst the yellow balloon during level 6-14.
Golden Egg 10: Burst the yellow balloon that appears at the lower
right corner during level 6-14.
Golden Egg 11: Swipe the screen to the right in theme 8’s level screen
to the left.
Golden Egg 12: Earn a 3-star rank in all levels of “Danger Above”.
Golden Egg 13: Break the boxes in the far left corner in level 8-15.
Golden Egg 14: In level 9-14, aim the boomerang bird at the hat to the
far right side on the small cliff and shoot it.
Golden Egg 15: In level 10-3, burst the rubber duck at the bottom left.
Golden Egg 16: Earn a 3-star rank in all levels of “The Big Setup”.