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Crusader Kings III Cheats

Crusader Kings III

Cheat Codes:
Submitted by: David K.

Cheat menu:
Right click Crusader Kings III in your Steam Library, then select the “Properties”
option in the “General” tab. Select the “Set Launch Options” button, enter “-debug_mode”
in the text field, and save. Note: Make sure there are no spaces when setting the launch
options.While playing the game, press ~ to display the cheat menu.

Carolingian Consolidation Achievement (Fast Way):
Written by SaltPak

This is a fast way to get the Carolingian Consolidation achievement.
Pretty funny how broken it is, so I thought I would share.

Carolingian Consolidation Achievement in Less Than 20 Years

To get this achievement, you need to be independent and be of the Karling Dynasty.
You could do the hard/regular start and play as a Karling king in 866…
OR you could do it the fast broken way!

-=Step #1: 1066 Start=-
To start it off, play as Count Herbert of Vermandois, a vassal of France. He is the
only landed Karling in 1066, so all you gotta do is be independent from France!
Make sure Ironman mode is on.

-=Step #2: Setup=-
At the start, everything is pretty set. Vassals are happy, heir is young, etc. You can
do whatever you want EXCEPT for your lifestyle. You start with a boost in learning,
but you’re gonna want to go down the Intrigue Lifestyle and eventually pick up the
kidnapper perk.

Other than that, do whatever. I made an alliance with Normandy for fun.

-=Step #3: Unrest in Vermandois=-
Next, start an independence faction. I never joined one myself, but if there’s
already one just join it. If it disbands for whatever reason, just start one yourself.

-=Step #4: Time to Plot=-
When you get the Kidnapper Perk, now you can start a plot to Abduct your liege! When
you plot against the King of France, you’ll probably get like a 20-50% chance of
success. Just bribe EVERY single person to join your plot.
Debt does not matter for this achievement.

Tip: If you didn’t know, as long as the game is paused, you can invite people to
join your plot EVEN if you are technically out of money.

-=Step #5: Profit=-
With everything setup, you should have a 95% chance to kidnap the King and an
independence faction brewing. Once the popup for the kidnapping comes, Press demands
for independence when the king is kidnapped! Even if he rejects it, you’ll have
100% warscore because you have the king! Enforce demands and BAM, you got the

This achievement took me 12 years to complete, only one try.

How to Remove Primary Empire, Kingdom or Duchy Title:
Written by linis

So you gained that wonderful title of Emperor / Empress, King / Queen, Duke /
Duchess and maybe you want to retreat from the world a bit, and manage a smaller

You’ll need to have access to console commands to get this to work. I wouldn’t
recommend doing this with your absolute last County title, that could cause weird
things to happen.

Now to remove the title of your choice:

* Click on a random ruler from the map.
* Click on the Pin icon in the top right corner of the ruler’s window.
* Make a note of this ruler’s title name, and whether it’s an Empire, Kingdom,
Duchy title.
* Open up the console, assuming you’ve enabled it.
* Click on the button with the letter D in the top right part of the console to
enable Debug UI Elements, if it’s not already enabled.

Take the target ruler’s title with the following command:
give_title e_titlename

Replace titlename ^ with the name of the ruler’s title.
The e_ before titlename refers to an Empire title so…

give_title e_titlename <-- Empire give_title k_titlename <-- Kingdom give_title d_titlename <-- Duchy give_title b_titlename <-- Barony / County Once you've taken their title, make it your primary by: Clicking on your ruler's portrait in the bottom left corner of the screen. Click on the title in the ruler's window that pops up. Click on the Make Primary button at the bottom of the title window. Go back and click on your old title that you want to get rid of and click on the Destroy Title button. Move your mouse cursor over the ruler you took the title from, and look for their "ID" number under the Debug section of the window that pops up. Now give back that ruler their title with give_title e_titlename 23840230423 Replace the long string of ^numbers ^ with whatever their ID number is. You are now no longer bound by your Empire, Kingdom, Duchy title! Of course you'll need to still work on becoming independent, but I'll leave that for another guide. I'm sure some people are wondering why I didn't just give away the original title instead of taking another one. When using a modded empire this can cause problems as giving your title to another ruler has a chance to give them a "copy" of your title. It's weird, so this is the reason for the extra steps. I'm hoping one of the modders out there adds this function so it's a simple click to remove it. Someone out there probably knows an easier way to do this with console commands, but I haven't come across it yet ("destroy_title" doesn't work for me, which is why I decided to make this guide). Going Places Achievement Guide (Ironman-Mode): ---------------------------------------------- Written by Phoenix26160 In this guide I describe to you how to obtain the achievement “Going Places” in Ironman-Mode. -=How to Get Your Kingdom=- For this achievement, you need to start as Earl Haesteinn of Montaigu in the 867 start date and, before your leader’s death, get a kingdom-like title. Declare war on Cornwall with the Claim Duchy CB (they might have allied West Francia but that doesn’t matter, you’ll crush them), raise your armies in Montaigu, set yourself as commander and sail over to Cornwall. If the Franks come, let them come, you will defend in woods, your army composition ih highly specialized and Haesteinn himself has an incredible 33 Martial, so you can crush them multiple times easily. After you have won, sell your prisoners for money (you’ll need it). Now you have a easy claimed duchy and a foothold in Britannia. After you have formed the duchy of Cornwall, you have two options: Either culture- convert and form the Kingdom of Cornwall by decision or do it the diificult way and try to get the Kingdom of Wales. Now you’ll eat up the little welsh lands, no one of them should be a match for your superior army. After you have taken seven provinces in the Wales area, you have enough de jure titles to form Wales. Now you only need 750 Ducats (250 for the Duchy of Gwynedd and 500 for the kingdom itself). You can get them by raiding super easy, as your leader is a Norse. By the way, you might have to crush some rebellions of cornish/welsh people, but that shouldn’t be a problem. This situation also offers great opportunities for conquering the british isles and doing fun viking stuff, also you can try to get another achievement, that requires you to have the highest prestige level (Haesteinn starts at the second highest level already). How to Recruit a Physician: --------------------------- Written by Sputnik Sure, you can interview for new physicians. But how to tell if they’re just a quack or not before signing them on? -=The Ailment=- Maybe you’re lucky and find an excellent physician just loitering amongst your court flunkies. Otherwise, once a year you can order the minor decision ‘Search for Physician’ (costs you nothing). Then within two weeks you get presented with 2 or 3 candidates. But are they any better than what you’ve already got? While you can right-click and examine their learning stats and doctoring traits, you can only really guess at their aptitude once they’re in the job. And course, they always ask an outrageous sign-on fee. -=The Prescription=- I’ve found it’s better to always to flunk them all at interview, but invite one or more to court anyway (done via right-clicking their portrait in the interview screen). -=Advantages=- * That way I can see exactly how good they are before re-assigning the position (you can compare candidates from your court via the change Physician order panel). * If they’re no better than my current Doc, then I haven’t swapped him out-and-back needlessly and got him all cranky about it. * I don’t need to pay any ruinous sign-on fee. * They might be good at court in some altogether different position. I can check their stats during interview for suitability on Council and maybe recruit them for that instead. * In any case, a few extra quacks are still handy to have at Court in reserve. * Caveat: If you’re just starting out a game then it might be less easy to invite them to court.

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