Deceit Cheats
Cheat Codes:
Submitted by: David K.
Beginners Tips:
Written by ThatOneGuy
Here is the guide with some useful information for new players.
* Don’t start going on a killing spree for no reason.
* Communicate. It isn’t that hard to at least hit “y”
* If you are innocent, a good way to make sure people believe you is to be
very open with the fuses, tell everyone that you have one and that you’re
going to put it in. But, make sure to do this only when you have a good
amount of items. * Camera is kinda OP. Use it.
* If you’re infected and people are suspicious of you, and you don’t have
enough blood and won’t be able to get enough blood for the night, act like
you’re on their side. Be open with the fuses, stay around people, act a
bit panic-y, like you’re afraid of getting got.
* Don’t believe whatever someone with an inspection kit says unless you are
SURE they are innocent.
* Don’t be a sheep, don’t kill someone just on what someone else says. If
more than 2 people saw a person drinking or doing something infected-y,
believe it. It’s very very likely to be true.
* If you’re infected and someone innocent is scanning you with an inspection
kit you have two choices. Either start shooting and run away, or start
saying stuff like “Stop framing me!” “It isn’t me I swear!” “[Innocent
who scanned] is infected!” It doesn’t work super well if everyone else
are sheep, but if they’re competent they’ll probably believe it and beon
high-alert. Make sure to lay low and hide.
* Here’s a little bug/tip you can tell if you’re infected before it tells
you by pressing “v” while the animation is running and then looking at
the top right to see if it’s red or not.
* Don’t start going on a killing spree for no reason.
* Communicate. Communicate. Communicate.
It isn’t that hard to at least hit “y”.
* If you are innocent, a good way to make sure people believe you is to
be very open with the fuses, tell everyone that you have one and that
you’re going to put it in. But, make sure to do this only when you have
a good amount of items. * Camera is OP. Use it.
* If you’re infected and people are suspicious of you, and you don’t have
enough blood and won’t be able to get enough blood for the night, act
like you’re on their side. Be open with the fuses, stay around people,
act a bit panic-y, like you’re afraid of getting got.
* If you’re infected and people are sure your buddy is infected, don’t
defend them. You’ll look very suspicious, and if you’re sure everyone
is going to vote them out, come over and get a vote in just to blend
in more
* Don’t be blind, don’t be a follower, a sheep. Think for yourself,
believe nothing you’re told.
How to Unlock (Mine & Trouble Achievement Guide:
Written by Trotty
Mine has been affected by the March 27, 2021 update. There is now a 7.5s timer
on an objective where only the person who completes the objective can collect it.
This means you will either need to request to pick up an objective, do this
achievement with a friend, or down a player and pick up their objective.
There is the rare occasion that someone walks away from an objective leaving it
for others as well.
Leftovers is a perk that can help you with this achievement. It was added to the
game on February 27, 2022 and will give you a way point to any objectives that
have not been collected. This is a great way to passively get this achievement
especially if you’re playing solo so look for it in the labyrinth!
-=Double Trouble=-
Double Trouble was affected by the January 22, 2021 update and the July 1, 2021.
The January 22, 2021 update made it so that executions are no longer on a timer
instead executions can be accrued as you move up floors. The July 1, 2021 update
made it to where the infected now share the blood they drink. A full blood bar is
not required to transform into a terror anymore, but is needed for an execution.
* The optimal strategy for this it to not attach at all on the first night.
* Save your execution for the second night and accrue two executions.
* Once you have both executions you can wreak some havoc.
You can also get an execution if your partner dies so if you have saved enough
blood on the first night and your infected buddy has been caught drinking blood
you can do it on the first night.
-=Bonus (Exterminator)=-
As said by Raptvre this achievement is completed by killing 10 infected with the
lethal injection as an innocent. The lethal injection spawns on the third night
before you escape. The extra tip I have for this is there is a perk called “Lethal
Vision” released on February 22, 2022 that will show you the way point for the
lethal injection objective. This will help you track down the objective and obtain
the lethal injection for the achievement.
I hope this guide helped shed some light on the current state of achievements. I
saw some misinformation running around that Mine and Double Trouble are no longer
achievable. I hope to counteract that and help more people mark this off their
achievement list with this updated guide.
If you feel I left anything out please don’t hesitate to reach out and thanks for reading!