Filed under: PC games cheats

F.A. Premier League Football Manager 1999 Cheats

F.A. Premier League Football Manager 1999

Cheat Codes:
bum+chips = top skill for all players

All teams:
Type allteams at the main menu to unlock all teams.

Hex Cheat:
By using Hex Workshop type in the clubs funds Seek
by “Decimal” make “Data” for “Double” SEEK !! At
offset 3066 use the “Replace” funktion under “Edit”
type in new amount (100.000.000) chose replace if it
asks for “all” choose “Cancel” By using a “normal”
Hex editor Go to “Offset 3066” Type 0000 0000 84D7 9741
choose save and you are the lucky owner of £ 100.000.000

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