Filed under: PC games cheats

Facebook – Assassin’s Creed – Project Legacy Cheats

Facebook – Assassin’s Creed – Project Legacy

Cheat Codes:
Submitted by: David K.

Unlimited Skill Points:
After leveling up, go to “Profile” and choose “Skills”. Distribute all
the skill points. However, do not choose “Confirm”. Instead select
“Stats”. When you go back to “Skills” you will have the same amount of
points to spend again. Do this until the total of your skill points is
at least 100. Then, go to Mnemonic sets and use “Gods (Italian Wars –
Chapter 4)”. Because you have more skill points, it is faster and easier
to spend them. When you want to save it, go to the stats, spend only one
skill point to anything, then click on “Confirm Changes”.

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