Far Cry 5 Cheats
Far Cry 5
Cheat Codes:
Submitted by: David K.
Secret Ending:
Written by HarryNinetyFour.
Much like the secret ending in Far Cry 4, you can idle in the prologue long enough
during the Arrest Joseph dialogue and instead of him being arrested, the Sheriff
will walk you away and the credits will roll.
Secret Ending:
The Far Cry 5 secret ending can be unlocked once players enter the cultists’ church
during the opening sequence. Once inside, players will be prompted to press A/X to
handcuff Joseph Seed. If you want to see the alternate ending, don’t press the
button. Keep waiting while your partners shout at you to just put the handcuffs
on. After about a minute or two of waiting, the sheriff with the great mustache
will poke his head into the frame and tell everyone to give up and just go home.
The game ends with the lawmen walking away from the cult, and the credits roll
shortly after. That’s it!
Tips and Tricks:
* You can throw your melee weapons. The game never specifically tells you that
you’re able to do this, but it adds a much needed sense of range to melee combat
that can be utilised to clear space between you and your foes before you deliver
that killer final blow. Just hold the LT / L1 button as though you were aiming
down the barrel of a gun before hitting fire, and your thwacking stick of choice
will be sent flying in that direction.
* Hunting and fishing are the best ways to make money. Fishing especially. There
are a few good fishing spots with fellow fisherman vendors hanging out at the
same spot. Get the Fisher King perk, practice some fishing, and once you get the
hang of things you can turn around trout and bass fast enough to make $1000 in a
couple minutes. Be sure you’re using a fly that make sense for the fish you’re
going after!
* You often pass wildlife signs for bears, wolves, and other such animals when
you enter an area filled with corresponding wildlife. The game will mark that
location on your map with the animal’s outline. This is useful for missions that
require you to hunt animals for certain skins but don’t provide waypoint markers
to the beasts’ location.
* Speaking of collecting animal skins and furs, you might be tempted to try and
run over a grizzly or a bison to get that fur. Don’t do that. If you burn or run
over an animal, their fur/meat decreases in quality, meaning it’s useless for
collection missions and sells for far less.
* Money is precious in Far Cry 5. You might be tempted to spend your hard-earned
cash on items like medkits or ammo, but don’t. There’s enough around the world
that you can get by even when things get dicey. Save your funds for weapons,
attachments, and clothes.
* Lay traps before a fight. If you’re taking an outpost or defending a spot, you
have various kinds of explosives. Proximity mines are particularly helpful when
you want to take down a convoy that’s rolling in.
* Always survey an area before you try to take it. Use your binoculars to tag
foes and then decide what the best course of action is. Remember: If enemies
see you, and you haven’t disabled nearby alarms, they will call for backup.
* Always use your binoculars. Even if you favour the loud approach, it’s worth
scoping out a target before attacking. Spying on people with binoculars is
pretty creepy in the real world but is essential in Far Cry 5.
Use your binoculars, ideally from a hidden vantage point, and scan the area on
which you’re about to unleash hell.
* To unlock the third weapon slot, you will simply need to buy the perk. It
costs eight perk points. For the fourth, you will need to have a confrontation
with one of the Seeds – one of the cult leaders dotted around Montana. The
first you will likely encounter once leaving the tutorial island is John Seed.
He lords over Holland Valley, his catchphrase, ‘Yes’, erected on a distant
hillside like a messed up Hollywood sign. You need to fill up John Seed’s
progress bar to face off with him. Do this by completing missions, side quests,
freeing civilians, liberating compounds, blowing up cult property, and killing
cult VIPs. Every third of the bar will trigger a story mission. Once you’re
there, you will have a showdown with him. The perk to get the fourth weapon
slot is unlocked after this fight.
All Endings:
Written by HarryNinetyFour
There are three endings in Far Cry 5. The first can be found in the “prologue”,
simply do not put the cuffs on Joseph at the start. The last two are the Walk
Away and Resist ending options at the end of the game.
If you pick the Walk Away Ending, the mission will stay on the map still for you
to replay. If you choose Resist, you cannot replay the last mission.
How to Fast Forward Time:
Written by UltraOlesia
In order to skip to a certain time of the day for various ambiences for your
interest while you are playing Far Cry 5, follow this guide.
* Go to the “Baron Lumber Mill” location on the map.
* You will find “General Shop”.
* Go exactly infront of the shop.
This part is really important! Do not look at the shop! Directly look up to the sky.
Wait for 2 minutes looking up to the sky. Then press N on your keyboard, 5 times
with 1 second gap in between each press.
Repeat the process. The longer you wait, further you will get in time and you will
see weather will change as time goes on. Find the perfect weather condition for
yourself and play along!
Easy money:
Written by CheatCC
Travel to the Moccassin River in Jacob’s Region. Locate the caribou hunting spot
area south of the F.A.N.G. Center, in a flooded basin near the bridge. It is
recommended to use an LMG when hunting in this area. You will find one early if you
clear out the F.A.N.G. Center. Collect one of the big guns from an armored cultist.
There is also a gun store in this area you can use to sell the collected skins. This
area is a great hunting spot because it is a large flat land, making it very easy
to spot animals. Shoot caribou to collect skins and bait. Look for the rare and
valuable Alpha Caribou as well. Unlock the Harvest Master perk to get double skins
when harvesting animals. Use the bait here as wel. Toss bait on the ground, and a
predator will usually appear right in front of you after a few seconds. Take it
out and collect the skin. You will get either Wolf Leaders or Black Bears.
Continue to hunt caribou, collecting skins and bait, then using the bait to summon
predators with even more valuable skins. Wolf Leaders will usually spawn when you
drop bait. Repeat this as many times as desired. Wolf Leader skins sell for $225,
and Alpha Caribou sell for $350. One quick hunt that only lasts 2-3 minutes can
earn you $2,000. If you use the Harvest Master perk, it will double to $4,000.
Magnapulse alien weapon:
Written by CheatCC
To get the special Magnapulse alien weapon, you must complete an optional Aliens
questline. It is given to you by an NPC called Larry, in John’s Region. He is at
the “Parker Laboratories” fast travel point, just west of Fall’s End (main town
in John’s Region). When you find Larry, he will be trapped behind an electric
barrier. You can disable it by turning off the three nearby generators (marked on
the map once you discover Larry). Once Larry is free, he will give you some
follow up quests. In total this questline consists of four quests: “Free Larry”,
“The Hero’s Journey”, “Close Encounters”, and “Out Of This World”. Always return
to Larry after completing one of his quests. At the end of the questline, you
will get the Magnapulse alien weapon (you can find and equip it in the special
weapons tab at any gun store) and “Science Fact” achievement. You can do this
quest at any point in the game, even after having completed the story.
It is an optional quest and not part of the main story.
Easy “Ghost Kill” achievement:
Written by CheatCC
First, equip the AR-CL with a “Marksman Adv-X Scope”. The weapon is frequently
dropped by many enemies. Once it is collected, it will get added to the “Sniper
Rifle” section at every store. The scope costs $1,600. Next, go to the “Sacred
Skies Youth Camp” outpost in Faith’s Region. Approach it from uphill. You can
airdrop to the nearest fast travel point, “Chan Residence”. Use the binoculars,
and press R3 to put a distance marker on an enemy (ideally the one of the roof).
Then, crouch and zoom in with the sniper scope and perform a headshot. Make sure
the distance marker is more than 150m away (160+ meters to be safe). The good
thing about this camp is if you miss your shot, one enemy will get behind the
mounted turret. He will be standing perfectly still behind the turret, making
him an easy target. If you fail (for example, kill too many enemies), air drop
to the nearest fast travel point to make the enemies respawn. If you have already
captured this outpost, you can reset it by going to the pause menu and clicking
“Outpost Master”, but you must have captured all other outposts for it to work.
Note: You can also get the “Ghost Kill” achievement by shooting helicopter and
plane pilots with a mounted turret (MG).
Magnapulse alien weapon:
Written by CheatCC
To get the special Magnapulse alien weapon, you must complete an optional Aliens
questline. It is given to you by an NPC called Larry, in John’s region. He is at
the “Parker Laboratories” fast travel point, just west of Fall’s End (main town
in John’s region). When you find Larry, he will be trapped behind an electric
barrier. You can disable it by turning off the three nearby generators (marked
on the map once you discover Larry). Once Larry is free, he will give you some
follow up quests. In total this questline consists of four quests: “Free Larry”,
“The Hero’s Journey”, “Close Encounters”, and “Out Of This World”. Always return
to Larry after completing one of his quests. At the end of the questline, you will
get the Magnapulse alien weapon (you can find and equip it in the special weapons
tab at any gun store) and “Science Fact” achievement. You can do this quest at
any point in the game, even after having completed the story. It is an optional
quest and not part of the main story.
Secret 1973 SSR Pygmalion muscle car:
Written by CheatCC
To get the 1973 SSR Pygmalion muscle car (one of the best and fastest muscle
cars in the game), you must find and complete a specific Prepper Stash. Go to
the far southeast corner of Henbane River in Faith’s region to find McCallough’s
Garage off the main road. If you start at Hope County Jail and drive east on
the paved road, you will find McCallough’s Garage. At the old garage, break
through the boarded-up doorway behind the garage to enter it. Inside, press the
indicated button at the end of the path to open the garage door. Backtrack to
the front and go under the open garage door, looking left for a door that leads
into a room full of crates. Proceed through the crates until you reach the
restroom, and grab the key in this area. Then, go back out and to the interior
room through the front door to reach a large set of metal doors. Use the key
you just collected to unlock the vault. You will find the 1973 SSR Pygmalion
muscle car inside and complete the “Getaway” Prepper Stash. Once the car is
unlocked, you will be able to visit any car store and select it from the
menu to spawn.
Best weapon :
Written by CheatCC
The M249 LMG is the best all around weapon in the game. It can quickly and
easily destroy vehicles and armored cultists. It is faster than a rocket
launcher, and it has much more ammo. Immediately unlock the Heavy Weapons
Mastery and Vehicle Buster perks for it to make it much better. Additionally,
use armor-piercing ammo to easily destroy the strongest soldiers and helicopters.
A quick burst from the M249 will destroy everything in your path. There is
almost no reason to equip other guns. It is like an automatic bazooka.
No Means No (Holland Valley Hidden Mission):
Written by StealthKingGG
If you are wondering that you have liberated the Holland Valley area (John’s Region) and
checking the mission status stuck at 51/52, no need to worry. There is a hidden mission
located near the Northern part in this region.
-=No Means No=-
Follow the steps below
* Head toward the YES Sign in Northern part of Holland Valley.
* Equip yourself as such that you can destroy that Sign.
* Initiate to destroy the sign which will pop up the mission name “No Means No” which
you can track now.
* Destroy the Sign completely as stated in the mission description which will lead
to its completion.
Now you have successfully completed the remaining hidden mission in this region!
Flamethrower Tips:
A basic guide about the flamethrower.
-=Finding the Flamethrower=-
The flamethrower can be found in weapon shops and you can pick it up from Reaping
trucks or dead cultists wielding them. In weapon shops they are under the far right
tab along with the bows.
At full ammo, the flamethrower comes with 300 ammo, with 100 being in your clip and
200 as spare, but it chews up this ammo fast. The flamethrower’s ammo can be refilled
like other weapons, buying ammo at the store or picking it up off of enemies.
-=Using the Flamethrower=-
I’ve found that to get the most out of the flamethrower you just need to give most
enemies a single puff of flames to set them on fire. Listen for the screams of agony
to confirm that you have set them on fire. While on fire they will run around
screaming until they eventually die. Unlike most enemies, the heavy gunner and flamer
cultists will take more than a single puff. Now go burn the cult down!
How to Get All Three Endings:
Written by FoxTrot123
I will be telling about the three endings in Far Cry 5.
-=How to Get the Secret Ending=-
Okay this one is easy (Okay first “Start from the beginning” now just play through
For about 5 mins until you get to the part where it say. Arrest “Now do not Arrest
him just wait a few mins and you should get more and more little dialogue and in about
3 or 4 in a half mins” sheriff white-horse will push Joseph Seed Hands down and start
the secret ending “This ending is an Easter egg”.
But that’s it for the “Secret Ending”. This is also the “Good Ending”.
-=How to Get the Resist Ending=-
Okay all you have to do is play through the entire game now when you are at the
final mission where it says to “go to Joseph Seeds compound”. When you are at the
compound “go to where it all began”. Than Joseph Seeds should come out and start
talking and “he gives you the same choice you had at the beginning” to (Walk away
with you friends Etc.) or to Resist Now hit (Enter on you’re keyboard) to start the
“Resist ending”. Now you have to fight him and get you’re friends back Etc.
That’s how you get the “Resist Ending”.
This is the true ending by the way and unlike the others you cant go back after
this is done or you have to restart you’re Run
-=How to Get the Walk Away Ending=-
Okay all you have to do is play through the entire game now when you are at the final
mission where it says to “go to Joseph Seeds compound”. When you are at the compound
“go to where it all began” than Joseph Seeds should come out and start talking and “he
gives you the same choice you had at the beginning” to (Walk away with you friends Etc.)
or to Resist Now hit (ESC, On you’re keyboard). And that will start the “Walk away
ending” which is actually the bad ending but you’ll see that when you finish the ending.