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Farmer’s Dynasty Cheats

Farmer’s Dynasty

Cheat Codes:
Submitted by: David K.

Where to Buy New Vehicles?:
Written by DeanStroke

There are 3 agricultural concessions.
We will locate them in relation to our farm.
Starting hypothesis: the north is above the farm and the west is on
the left of the farm.

-=Concession C1, west of the farm:
* Pickup HDS
* Slurry Spreader
* Fertilizer Spreader
* Harrow
* Grain Trailer
* Grass Mower
* Tractor

-=Concession C2, north of the farm:
* Plow
* Harrow
* Seeder
* Slurry Spreader
* Combine Harvester
* Cereal Cutter Bar
* Corn Cutter Bar

-=Concession C3, south of the farm:
* Tractor
* Harrow
* Ballot Trailer x2
* Grain Trailer x2
* New Grain Trailer x1
* New Squaretraw Baler x1

How to get married:
Written by Diamond31pro

1. Find your candidate
First choose someone you want to marry, you can choose who you want, but alot
of times people choose janet.

2. Work on your relationship
You have found your love, now im pretty sure that you have to choose someone who
you have done work for, but now you should go talk to them everyday. If you have
done work for someone, they should have a green happy face above their head.

3. you two really like each other
ok, now your girlfriend (or boyfriend?) has a green smiley face with hearts on its
eyes. continue to talk to them each day, occasionally you can give gifts, you can
give them some flowers which you can get from the general store next door to your
farm, if you want to give them an expensive gift, you can buy a ring or perfume
from the general store, but you can find rings and perfume around the map in old
chests, i found some perfume in the chest inside the barn, and i found a gold ring
in my attic, but chest’s contents vary for different saves.

4. Your almost there
Nice job! you are now at a very high relationship point with your “friend”. the
little emoji above their head needs to be a red heart. If it isn`t a red heart, you
still need step 3. If you wish to you can give them a gift even with a red heart,
though i dont know the benefit of doing that. you should now have in speech options,
there should be an option where your character will ask them out, hopefully they
say yes, but if they say no, i dont know what to do, i have never heard of that lol.

5. Today is the day
If it happens that your spouse says yes, then a cut scene will occur of you and
your wife (or husband) get married. be sure to get some screenshots by pressing
F12, it will automatically skip the day and when you wake up, your spouse should
be next to you in bed.

The End!

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