Filed under: PC games cheats

From The Depths Cheats

From The Depths

Cheat Codes:
Submitted by: David K.

How to Build a Ship:
Written by lachzilla

This tutorial will teach you how to build a starter ship that can be slightly

-=Step 1
* You will need to build a middle beam how long you want your ship to be i
have found a good length about 120 or so.

-=Step 2
* Build ramp pieces out from the first block to how wide you want your ship
to be.
* Do this on the other side as well.
* Join them up with blocks and fill the space that it makes.

-=Step 3
* Place corner pieces under the ramp pieces and then build the inverted corner
piece between that.
* Place corner pieces under the inverted corners and then repeat until you
reach the bottom.
* Place ramps under the main beam so both sides join up.
* It was at this point that i realised i should have told you to turn on symetry.
* Do this on the other side length wise not width.

-=Step 4
* Lastly you want to join up the corner pieces with with 1m ramp pieces.
* You could also use diagonal cut pieces.
* Fill the bottom with blocks.

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