Gemini: Heroes Reborn Cheats
Gemini: Heroes Reborn
Cheat Codes:
Submitted by: David K.
Easy “New Paradigm” achievement:
Replay any level.
Exiting Levels & Locked Doors:
Some levels have key-cards to open locked doors that have an exit/entry symbol,
just go near desks and computer terminals to get these or maybe in a locked room
near desk. Some levels must kill all or most guards to get key-cards to exit
level, then check all doors and look other exits such as vents at floor level
or higher up near ceilings. Most have doors to exit level.
Time-shift and check too.
Specific Harder Levels:
-=LEVEL 3=-
Vent area outside lab room at floor level leads to a secret and return back
to lab room and garage door lift to exit.
-=LEVEL 5=-
Centre army battleground pit (after meet Mason) – return to pit near army
swag tent when got rid off all guards and jump/fall in to exit.
-=LEVEL 7=-
Head to garage like wide door to exit (may need kill all guards 1st).
-=LEVEL 9=-
Speak to a prisoner man in corner room near security camera, then throw at
hazard posts – guards will come – get rid all and continue hazard posts
breaking until back red door opens. Also hidden vent near floor area of these
rooms where can find a secret – may need to time-shift to see.
More guards in inner computer room -plenty large things throw and get rid all
then push alarm button. Also a sapling tree have to take and move to previous
area (hint: where was a pool water/liquid) to exit the level.
The prisoner may escape later when you finish game -no further interaction).
-=LEVEL 13=-
There is a vent in a centre room area have to climb up from trolley/table to
see and access. Then go till find another vent and drop down and do time-shift
to get a clue and look on floor for something to use in the medical room.
Easier to do once all guards killed off.
-=LEVEL 15=-
If door not opened go see if any guards trapped in a floor fan or other and
make sure blast to kill off.
There should be no guard communication voices once all killed.