Filed under: PC games cheats

GRIS Cheats


Cheat Codes:
Submitted by: David K.

Secrets / Achievements:
You will need to find secret rooms or do specific actions to get those.

At the very beginning of the game, go right until you can move freely, then
come back to the left and find a statue. Let your character fall and get up
from herself.

In the black & white area of chapter 2, slam the 3 fragile statues.
(don’t slam for nothing or you will get ejected!)

After some big red bird jumps, you will face a statue, press B to (try to)
sing in front.

During the water chapter, in the big area where you need to have 6 stars, head
to the bottom and search to the left, you will find a statue and get the

During the final sequence, just after getting to the surface of the black water,
sing in front of the tomb.

How to Get The Secret Cutscene:
After getting every memento in the game, select the last chapter and go right
below where your character starts. There is an entrance at the left side hidden
in a broken wall.

In here, sing in front of the sign and enjoy the secret cutscene!

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