Hanna in a Choppa – Flash Game Cheats
Hanna in a Choppa – Flash Game
Submitted by: RM
Level 8:
The trick is to approach the exit as slowly as possible so you
don’t crash. Pause by the last fan (the one that blows upwards),
then dash through at a slight angle and hit the reverse key as
soon as you’re out.
Level 9:
This level’s gravity pulls you in toward the center of the giant
island, but your controls will always stay the same as if gravity
were normal (that is, up is always up, left is always left, etc.).
Assume you’re starting at the 12:00 position. Fly around to the 10:30
ish position (to the left) and trigger the ball release. Fly around
to the 3:00 spot and pick up a ball with your winch. Go to the other
side and deposit the ball in the hole at 9:00. Finally, fly to the
bottom and land the plane at 6:00.