Filed under: PC games cheats

Harry Potter: Hogwarts Mystery Cheats

Harry Potter: Hogwarts Mystery

Cheat Codes:
Submitted by: David K.

Extra Energy:
On each of the different floors you can get extra energy by touching
certain objects.

House elf

-=Lower Floor West=-
Fire lamp on the right side of the great hall doorway.

-=Castle Grounds=-
Brown stick, in between Whomping Willow and Hagrids Hut
(Fang appears and runs off with the stick).

Free Energy Point Locations:
The following locations are known to give free points:

East Towers: Painting of a woman in a white dress next to the Charms classroom

West Towers: Nature painting next to the Prefect’s bathroom

Lower Floor West: The stone fire stand to the right of the Great Hall

Lower Floor West: The middle stone knight statue to the right of the Great Hall

Dungeons: The house elf to the right of the Kitchens

Castle Grounds: The stick in the foreground in front of the Whomping Willow

Duelling Cheat:
There’s a Hogwarts Mystery duelling cheat you can try out if you get frustrated
with the rock, paper, scissor mechanic and keep losing the stance selection —
just pick aggressive every single time, and always use Expellariarmus.

Due to the algorithms in the game’s AI, you will win the throw often enough and
stun often enough that you can coast through most battles. Only change your
stance and go for defensive if its the end of the match and you are clearly
one attack away from losing.

You might be quite low on stamina by the end, and it can take awhile if they
choose defensive and heal, but you will almost always win every match anyway.
Take advantage of this now, before the developers figure it out and nerf
the throw mechanics!

How to Get Free Energy:
If you touch the following objects on the corresponding flooer you will get
one extra energy.

The house elf

-=East Towers=-
The blank painting on the far left.

-=Lower Floor West=-
Fire lamp on the right side of the great hall doorway.

-=Lower Floor West (2)=-
Central soldier statue.

-=Castle Grounds=-
Brown stick, in between Whomping Willow and Hagrids Hut.

-=West Towers=-
Oranges painting (Next to Gryffindor’s CR)

-===Year 2===-
-=Lower Floors East=-
He stack of books on the bench.

-=East Tower=-
Peeves behind the stairs.

-===Year 3===-
Person standing in alley between buildings.

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