Filed under: PC games cheats

Heroes of Might & Magic 4 – The Gathering Storm Cheats

Heroes of Might & Magic 4 – The Gathering Storm

Cheat Codes:
Submitted by: rickHH

Hit TAB and enter any of those cheats:

Code Result
nwcAmbrosia – free materials
nwcGoSolo – autoplay
nwcAres – win combat
nwcAchilles – lose combat
nwcHephaestus – elven chainmail
nwcEtTuBrute – dagger of despair
nwcExcalibur – ring of greater negation
nwcNibelungenlied – sword of the gods
nwcTristram – crusaders
nwcLancelot – champions
nwcStMichael – angels
nwcSevenLittleGuys – dwarves
nwcMerlin – magi
nwcCronus – titans
nwcBlahBlah – vampires
nwcHades – devils
nwcUnderTheBridge – trolls
nwcKingMinos – minotaur
nwcXanthus – nightmares
nwcFafnir – black_dragons
nwcDoYouSmellBrownies – sprites
nwcFenrir – wolves
nwcFixMyShoes – elves
nwcTheLast – unicorn
nwcRa – phoenix
nwcValkyries – ogre magi
nwcGrendel – behemoth
nwcPoseidon – sea monster
nwcPrometheus – shroud fow
nwcAthena – gain skill
nwcThoth – increase level
nwcIsis – learn spells
nwcRagnarok – lose scenario
nwcHermes – unlimited movement
nwcValhalla – win scenario
nwcSacrificeToTheGods – max luck
nwcSphinx – reveal puzzle map
nwcAphrodite – tatooed white trash
nwcImAGod – access cheat menu
nwcPan – max morale
nwcCityOfTroy – build all buildings
nwcOldMan – old man jack

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