Filed under: PC games cheats

International Superstar Soccer 3 Cheats

International Superstar Soccer 3

Submitted by: conner54

English Legend team:
Win the World League under the hard difficulty setting as England.
Note: This must be done from the start, including the regional qualifying messages.

Dutch Legend team:
Win the World League under the hard difficulty setting as Holland.
Note: This must be done from the start, including the regional qualifying messages.

Italian Legend team:
Win the World League under the hard difficulty setting as Italy.
Note: This must be done from the start, including the regional qualifying messages.

German Legend team:
Win the World League under the hard difficulty setting as Germany.
Note: This must be done from the start, including the regional qualifying messages.

Brazilian Legend team:
Win the World League under the hard difficulty setting as Brazil.
Note: This must be done from the start, including the regional qualifying messages.

Argentinean Legend team:
Win the World League under the hard difficulty setting as Argentina.
Note: This must be done from the start, including the regional qualifying messages.

European All-Stars team:
Win the International cup under the hard difficulty setting with any European team.

American All-Stars team:
Win the International cup under the hard difficulty setting with any American team.

African All-Stars team:
Win the International cup under the hard difficulty setting with any African team.

Asian All-Stars team:
Win the International cup under the hard difficulty setting with any Asian team.

Gladius team:
Unlock all the regional All-Stars teams and purchase them. Select any team and win
the International Cup in the Group League to face the Gladius team. Defeat them to
unlock that team in the catalog.

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