Filed under: PC games cheats

Alex Kidd in Miracle World DX Cheats

Alex Kidd in Miracle World DX

Cheat Codes:
Submitted by: David K.

Janken Boss Fights Guide:
Written by FledermausKostümMann

First Fight Gooseka:
1. Rock
2. Scissors

First Fight Chokkinn:
1. Scissors
2. Paper

First Fight Parplin:
1. Rock,
2. Scissors

Second Fight Gooseka:
1. Paper
2. Paper

Second Fight Chokkinn:
1. Rock
2. Rock

Second Fight Parplin:
1. Rock
2. Scissors

Janken the Great:
1. Paper
2. Paper

The boss fights are identical
Of course there are still minor changes, but the actual “stone, scissors,
paper” is the same.

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