Filed under: PC games cheats

Alien Breed 2 – Assault Cheats

Alien Breed 2 – Assault

Cheat Codes:
Submitted by: David K.

Complete the following tasks to unlock the corresponding achievement.

Achievement Description
Cash is King – Achieve a balance of 20000 credits or more.
Co-op Campaigner – Complete any multiplayer level.
Deadly Assassin – Without the player taking damage kill 50 aliens.
Indestructible – Finish multiplayer ‘Cargo’ level without taking any damage.
Old Soldier – Complete all single player levels 1-5.
Rapid Deployment – Complete ‘Cargo’ multiplayer level in 10 minutes or less.
Super-Sleuth – Find all ‘secret’ collectibles.
Survivor – Stay alive for 8 minutes on any of the Survivor mode single player levels.
Vital Statistics – Finish ‘Primed’ single player level with 300000 or more
overall score.
War of Attrition – Kill 1000 aliens in single player.

Free Play mode:
Successfully complete the game to play any Story mode live in Free Play mode.

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