Filed under: PC games cheats

Champions of the Krynn Cheats

Champions of the Krynn

Wrong icon:
On the sixth floor of the Gargath Keep, where the Dragonlance is supposed
to be found, but is not, the Two Handed Sword is a cursed Berserker weapon.
If you remove the curse yourself, and unequip it, it will change the icon
on your character, even to a monster.

Item and character duplication:
This trick is best done at the main menu or at a Training Hall.

Save the game. Remove one member of your party, so you have five remaining.
Create a new character, for example “Bob”, and add him in. Remove all of his

Transfer all the equipment you want duplicated to Bob. Remove him, and quit
the game fully — do not save.

Reload that game, and you will be back to your normal six party members, with
the items you intended to copy. Remove that character again, and add in Bob
again, and he will also have those items.

Trade those items back to the party, and your party will have their items,
and the duplicates that Bob had.

Remove Bob and add in your other members, save, and you will be back into the
game, with two sets of items.

The character duplication trick is far easier, but only if he or she has not
been in combat and can be modified. Rename your character using the “Modify
Character” command, then remove him or her. Quit without saving, and reload.
Your renamed party member will be in the pool of characters, and your original
character will still be in the party.

Hex Cheat:
Using a disk editor such as HADES (available from
the Heath Users’ Group), search the file GAME.OVR
for the following byte strings, and change the
indicated bytes as shown.

16 57 9A 2F 07 B7 0B 74 03 <-- Search EB <-- Substitute 16 57 9A 2F 07 B7 0B 75 06 C6 46 <-- Search 90 90 <-- Substitute When the game asks for a specific word from the journal, just type a return!

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