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Clone Drone in the Danger Zone Cheats

Clone Drone in the Danger Zone

Cheat Codes:
Submitted by: David K.

Fighting Guide:
Written by Enderspoons

Do you need a few tips and tricks on destroying all of the various robots
that Clone Drone in the Danger Zone can and will throw at you?

Well, as it so happened, you ended up in the right place by some miracle of
coincidence, because this is a guide on doing just that.

-=Armored Sword Robots=-
This is an armored sword robot. It so happens to be a player as well,
but that’s beside the point.

These guys are harder to attack than the normal robots, because they have
armor that can take multiple hits. Obviously. That is what armor is for,
and it’s doing its job, and you don’t want it to because they’re using it.

So, where should you hit them? Well, if you have a:

Sword: Attack from one side repeatedly to break both the armor and them.
Interestingly, there’s another way to kill them with a sword in one hit:
When a sword robot raises its sword to strike, it opens up a weak-point
in its armor. Swinging straight through slightly-lower-than-the-middle
will hit that weakspot and cut the robot in half.

Bow: Shoot it in the head, obviously. Unfortunately, some sword robots
can block, so you probably want to kick them first, or shoot them in the

Hammer: The hammer, when hitting armor, throws the target around like a
kick, which can be good for setting up a second kill-strike to the torso
or something.

Flame Breath: Flame Breath ignores armor. Press F, aim well, and enjoy.
Not necessarily in that order, though.

Kick: Well, the kick does technically do its job on armored foes just
as well as non-armored, you’re still going to need something to kick
them into.

-=Fleet Overseer=-
This is the fleet overseer, dispatched with using an unupgraded sword.
They’re rather pathetic in how easily they die, but then again, combat
is not their job.
The fleet overseer has a lot going for it: Always armored, massive
blocking-kicking fire sword, spidertron bomb jump attack, and that’s
not even to mention their signature super laser.

There are a few ways to deal with them, if you have a:

Bow: The fleet overseer has arrow block. Sorry, chap.
you can still shoot it in the back of the torso, though.

Hammer: Another of the hammer’s excellent qualities, aside from armor
kicking (the overseer is kick-proof, sadly), is the ability to destroy
spider legs in only one or two hits very easily. Stay out of the laser
and the sword, and just keep swinging.

Flame Breath: The easiest way to kill the fleet overseer, just walk up
to it (carefully) and press F. You do need to have some aiming competence,

Kick: The fleet overseer, as stated above, is kick-proof. Whelp.

Chapter 5 (Insane Mode)
Written by Pennellabs / Updated: July 27, 2021

This Guide will help you beat Chapter 5 Insane Mode and get the Emporer skin, The Achievement and Bragging Rights!

Story Insanity 5 Achievement Guide

Space Ship – End of the Corridor

The Space Ship part is the same (I think) as normal so you should be able to beat the easily.

Once you reunite with your friend (i’m going to refer to your friend as Tim) its kinda hard but simple, just try to get Tim to do most of the work. When you get to the Corridor try to stay behind letting Tim do the work but kill any robots after you but this should not be to hard.

First Phase of Emperor – The Virtual Domain

The only difference in the first Emperor fight is that the respawns are terrible but it should not be to hard to beat him. Once you are in the virtual bit try to beat the first fight as sword because of the jetpack. To beat the left (the one with hammers) cube just keep jetpacking around slicing armor of till they are all dead and destroy the cube.

For the right (one with the spears) cube kill the swords and then use the same jetpacking strat for the armored spears. Don’t forget the free armor and transfor before fighting Spidertron 7000! For this keep jetpacking around killing and units on the way and slicing the legs of the spidertrons untill you can kill them. the fire wall is very ez so i wont explain that.

The Destroyer of Sanity (aka Phase 2 of the Emperor)

This will take while (as in 10-100 attempts). First Ignore the tiny bots around the Emperor, they only replenish armor. you will have to dodge his five attacks: Sword Swing, Hammer, Sword & Hammer, Fire Breath and Laser Sword. To dodge the Sword swing either get really close to his legs or jump over the first swing and let the other swing go over you (If you take out his legs you will have to jump over both swings). To dodge the hammer get really close or far from the Emperor. Just keep running around the Emperor to avoid Fire breath and Just run right to avoid the laser sword. You will want to take out both of his legs (there is a sweet spot in his knees that is not protected by armor). Once he is leg-less you can do A or B.

A: Take out his sword arm getting rid of both sword & hammer and then try to take out the head.
B: Just go straight for the head. Once you Defeat the Emperor after a billion years enjoy your new skin and achievement!

You “Complete” the chapter by staying in Insane mode and watch the end cutscene.

Written by Pennellabs.

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