Filed under: PC games cheats

Clue Chronicles – Fatal Illusion Cheats

Clue Chronicles – Fatal Illusion

Installing the patch can cause lockups when you’re trying to play games
saved with the old version. To save your progress, copy your latest save-
game file created with the patch to a temporary folder, reinstall the old
version, then load the game and immediately save. Copy the save-game file
created with the patch to the one that was just created in the Clue
directory, using the name of file you’re copying over. You’ll still see
the old save-game snapshot at the Load Game screen, but clicking the Save
button will restore your patched savegame and save all your progress.

Jot down the riddles whenever suspects recite them. If you don’t manage
to get it all, just go back and ask them once again these robots are more
than happy to repeat themselves all day long.

In several scenes, the forward and backward arrow icons change to mean
“look up” or “look down,” which usually indicates that there’s something
important you need to check out in one of those directions.

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