Filed under: PC games cheats

Cossacks 3 Cheats

Cossacks 3

Cheat Codes:
Submitted by: David K.

Press Ctrl+Enter – to open Chat/console dialog. Type “cheat” and press enter again.

Code Effect
res [resource][amount] – available resource names: food wood stone gold iron coal all
usage: res food 100000 res all 20000000 (will set all resource)
showallmissions – Makes all missions available. (*)
freecamera – Remove limit on camera height. you can change camera angle by
holding Ctrl+middlebutton (scroller) and moving mouse
Ctrl+PageUp/Ctrl+PageDown to chang. (**)

(*) When specifying resources to generate (above), you can choose from:
food, good, iron, coal, wood, or all.

(**) To change the camera angle, hold [Ctrl] + [Middle Button] (scroller) and move
the mouse ([Ctrl] + [Page Up]/[Ctrl + Page Down]) to change.

-=3 Army Tips=-
1.Always try to fight near your turrets and well-placed riflemen. In other words:
the biggest fight should happen on your territory – then you can counterattack.
2.Choose your units appropriately – don’t throw slow units to fight riflemen;
don’t attack fortifications without artillery.
3.Have a diversified army, divided into groups (CTRL + 1,2,3… will allow to assign
a number of troops to one key), which are able to counter different types of
hostile units.
4.More is not always better: sometimes it’s better to have a smaller army, but
a modern one.
5.Use light cavalry for hit&run attacks: hit poorly defended areas or villagers
and then quickly retreat.
6.Remember that you can take over hostile artillery if there are no hostile units
nearby. The cavalry is perfect for this task.
7.Oftentimes during the campaign, you will be working against the clock. On such
occasions, don’t waste time for unnecessary preparations; if you have an army
– attack.
8.Send scouts to estimate the enemy’s numbers and control their movement.
9.Remember that keeping an army costs – if you’re not planning to attack, keep
around just enough troops to be able to defend.

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