Filed under: PC games cheats

Crawling Of The Dead Cheats

Crawling Of The Dead

Cheat Codes:
Submitted by: David K.

Tips and Tricks:
Written by falcon.land

This guide is for all newcomer “death crawlers” who want to know some cool
tip &t tricks!

The best way to describe core game mechanics of this game is a mix of rogue-like
games and Dark Souls games.

Your main hub is an abandoned house where you can find all important things every
proper adventurer needs. A Bedroom (for healing) an Armory (for crafting) and a
Training grounds (for leveling up) and most importantly – The entrance to a deep
dungeon bellow.

So the basic game loop is to enter the dungeon, kill as many enemies as you can,
grab all the loot you can carry and return to your house before you get killed.

At your home, heal yourself, craft new weapons and if you have enough souls,
level up.

-=Things to notice:
* The biggest mistake is to overestimate yourself. It is always better to return
home alive than to die and lose your experience points just because you were
greedy 🙂
* With each death (and you will die often), your maximum health will decrease.
This is a similar mechanics to a Dark Souls game where you are slowly becoming
“hollow”. To reverse this, you need to find a “Restoration Potion” and drink it.
This way you will be back to 100% maximum health. Beware that these potions are
scarce, so do not waste them. Wait until your health drops at least to 75% before
drinking them or before a boss fights.
* Upon death, your experience points are lost. However if you return to the dungeon
you can find the lost experience points there and retrieve them. Keep in mind that
If you die again, they are lost forever. This is the same “Souls” mechanics the
Dark Souls games have.
* All other things such as loot, patters, equipment, your level are preserved. Also
you can instantly return to the last dungeon level you have visited so far.

First thing to remember is, that combat in this game is skill-based and very well
done. This is not just another “sword jiggle” wannabe sword-fight game, most players
are used to. You cannot just put your sword into your enemy and expect to do a damage.
You actually need to do proper swings and stabs with enough power, read your enemy
combos, block their attacks and do proper counter attacks into their vulnerable spots.

-=Tips & Tricks:
* At first floors enemies are very easy to kill, almost “tutorial-like” easy. Their
attacks are slow and easy to read. Use this stage to get used to blocking enemy
attacks and do some proper counter-attacks. The true challenge has yet to come.
* Try to use environment to make your enemies trip and fall down! Lying enemy is much
easier target 🙂 Enemies are more likely to trip if wall is behind them, or some
debris are under them while fighting.
* Be patient and wait for enemy combos to finish and counterattack once you find an
* Enemy shield / armor can be destroyed if they get enough damage. Lean forward
and try to inflict damage to enemy shield while they prepare for their next combo.
* You can fight with opened backpack. If you are in some particularly challenging
fight don’t hesitate and open you backpack next to you and try to grab a health
potion from it while fighting to heal.
* Very rarely multiple enemies will attack you… well this is where the wheat
separate from the chaff 🙂 Only few can survive this, but try to prevent enemies
to surround you. Your only chance is to fight them straight ahead. Try to select
the weaker one and finish him ASAP.
* Try to observe the damage numbers above the enemy heads. This way you will quickly
learn which attacks do the most damage. The damage is calculated based on your
swing speed as well as the point of impact. High intensity swing directly into enemy
head is always very effective 🙂 Be warned, the same applies for your enemies. Do
not let the Skeleton finish his two-handed leap strike into your head….
* Even-though you cannot move during fight. The game will occasionally offer you a
teleport spot you can move to. Use it wisely, this is double edged sword. You can
improve your fighting position this way but you can also get quickly disoriented
and enemies can react faster than you expected. One of best places to fight are
definitely elevated positions, eg. you on top of the staircase and enemy beneath

-=Crafting & Weapons
The game has its own crafting mechanics which are very well made and give a sense
of true progress and achievement.

As you explore the dungeon, you will find patters for new weapons and shields to
craft. You will also find resources needed to craft these weapons (currently Iron,
Gold, Gems ). Try to craft every new pattern you will find as these will give a
huge boost to your damage / survivability as well as a Mastery points ( read bellow)

* Each weapon has its own “Expertise points”. This means that whenever each weapon
is used in a combat, it gains these points until you master it. Once mastered,
you will gain a permanent bonus from this weapon to your skills. This means that
it is worth to use every weapon in the game, as every single one of them can be
“harvested” for this passive permanent bonus to your character.
* You can use a sword with a shield or you can dual-wield. As the shield has
limited hitpoints before it breaks, the best strategy is to always carry a second
sword with you in the inventory and when your shield breaks go dual-wield. You
can also carry a torch which is handy in dark areas.
* Some weapons have bigger range than others. Long sword will reach further then an
axe. This is usually compensated by an increased damage for shorter weapons. Use
what suits your playstyle the best.

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