Filed under: PC games cheats

Cultures Cheats


Cheat Codes:
Press [F2], then type one of the following codes to activate
the corresponding cheat function.
An icon will appear to confirm correct code entry.

Code Effect
funexploration – Full map.
funfrieda – All item words bigger.
funfillup – All warehouses and supply tents have 5 items of everything.
funmorepower – Get one level 3 solider, spearman, and archer.
funspeedup – Turbo mode.
funpicture12 – Small .PCX screenshot of current map.
funpicture25 – Medium .PCX screenshot of current map.
funpicture100 – Large .PCX screenshot of current map.

Speed you up Game!:
Submitted by: Pedro Diogo
E-mail: guitarrista_fixe@hotmail.com

Press F2, then type in “funspeedup”, this accelerates the game, displaying
a running pair of legs in the upper left hand part of the screen. To return
to normal speed, pause the game.

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