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Defense Clicker Cheats

Defense Clicker

Cheat Codes:
Submitted by: David K.

How to Play (Quickguide):
Written by Arenster

Basic gameplay guide for Defense clicker…

-=How to Play=-
* To start the game click on the left upper corner on the cave.
* The game is normally in the clicker mode. In this mode you only can attack
enemies by clicking on them or buy upgrades in the menu on the bottom.
* The game only starts spawning enemies after you built your first tower.
* To built or upgrade towers you must change to the built mode. This is activated
while pressing and holding the “T” button on your keyboard. During you are in
built mode you can see a ghost preview of the tower under your mouse when it
is over a buildable spot on the map. The tower to build is changeable by clicking
on the tower graphic in the built tower menu on the left bottom corner or by
rotating the mousewheel slowly. When you have choosen the correct tower you can
built it by clicking on an buildable area and the ghost tower will be built on
this place. Also already built tower will display a white cloud with a tower lvl
and upgrade price while holding “T” (when the maxtower lvl is high enough).
If you can upgrade it the price will be displayed green. When you release the T
button you can see the playfield without the disturbing data and it all looks a
bit more pretty.
* To sell towers you must press and hold “S” on the keyboard. While its pressed
you can see the gold you get when selling the tower. By clicking on the tower
while holding “S” you can sell the tower.

-= Towers
There are several buildable towers ingame.

-=Arrow tower
The arrow tower is a midrange tower with a midspeed. It shoots about 2-3 fields
wide and is the perfet tower for the second rowfrom the street.

-=Speeder tower
The speeder tower is a very fast tower but it only shoots about 1-2 fields wide
and is only good in the first row of the street.

-=Sniper tower
The sniper tower is a really slow tower but it can shoot over the entire map and
is perfectly at every position where no other tower can aim the enemies.

-=Farming tower
The farming tower cannot shoot but it can farm a bit money every few seconds to
increase your income.

The game has several ressources which are needable to level up different skills
or options. Ressources must be collected by hovering with the mouse over them or
by letting them collected by pets or the ressource collector DLC.

Crystals can be obtained by every enemy and they spawn after killing an enemy

Red Crystal:
this crystal is for upgrading the red crystal storage and the maxlevel of the
arrow tower.

Green Crystals:
this crystal is for upgrading the green crystal storage and the maxlevel of the
speeder tower.

Blue Crystals:
this crystal is for upgrading the blue crystal storage and the maxlevel of the
sniper tower.

Turkis Crystals:
this crystal is for upgrading the turkis crystal storage and the maxlevel of
the farmer tower.

Elements are for buying and upgrading the heroes. They spawn on specific conditions.

Fire element: this element can only spawn after the death of a phoenix enemy.
Ice element: this element can spawn after the death of every enemy, but only
when its snowing.
Earth element: this elemt can only spawn after the death of bats.
Poison element: This element can only spawn after the death of a treant.

-=Special ressources:
Special ressources are ressources which must not be collected and which are
used for special upgrades

Primes: This are ressources which you need for the prime upgrades which modify your towers
and base stats, you get them by killing bossmobs, green lighting enemies and beating waves.
Primes are locked after earning them and can be unlocked by reseting or after dying.

Evolution Points. These are obtainable after using the evolution function. Evolution points
ca be used for very powerful evolution upgrades but it needs very long to farm them.
You can get 1 evolutionpoint every 500 beated waves but you have to reset nearly everything
as price for them.

Bosssouls: Bossouls are given by beaten bossens. with this souls you can buy pets and
upgrade them.

-=Normal and Farming Mode
In the upper right corner is a farming mode button. This button is meant for afk playing.

In normal mode you get after an reset or death all locked primes but you lose all towers
on the field and have to built new ones.

In farming mode you can hold the towers which means the game restarts at wave 1 but you
still have all built towers but as a price to hold the towers you only get half of the
locked primes and lose the other half permanently.

-=Monsters and Bosses
Monsters spawn permanently if 1 or more towers are on the field. At the beginning they have
very low lifepoints and there can only be a few of them. After several kills the number of
enemies which can be on the field and the lifepoints of them increases and makes it harder
to life.

All 500 kills spawns a boss and a new enemy type(as long as there are new ones available
ingame) and it gets harder to stay alive.

-=Reset and Evolution
Reset is a function which is automatically called when you die or is manually called by
pressing the reset button twice.

Reset has two different things it can do depending on the gamemode (normal or farming)

On normal mode it kills all enemies, unlocks the locked prime and deletes all towers and
the game restarts on wave 1

On farming mode it kills all enemies, unlocks half of the primes, deletes permanently
half of the locked primes, restarts on wave 1 but you hold all towers.

Evolution is a needed function which can be used after 500 waves. At the beginning of the
game you can only play 500 rounds, then the evolution button starts to glow green. after
clicking it you gain 1 evolution level, 1 evolution point and the game resets nearly
completely. You lose alle upgrades and only hold bought pets and the bosssouls and your
evolution upgrades.

Every evolution also grants you an 500 waves increased maxwave and enemies get 100% harder.
After your first evolution you can make the evolution always then when you get up to the
new maxwave.

After your first evolution you get an preevolution useable.

This evolution is useable after 500 waves. An preevolution does the same as a normal
evolution but you get no evolution level and no maxwave increase.

A preevolution is doable when the evolution button glows orange. You get 1 evolution
point for every completed 500 waves.

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