Filed under: PC games cheats

Der Planer Cheats

Der Planer

With this Hex Cheat all cash problems are eliminated.
Load a Savegame file from draw-eat…
planersavesp*.dat and look you up the lines:

0000 ACE0 0000 0070 1700 0000 0000 0064 0000 0000
0000 ACF0 0000 0000 0000 0000 0101 5E1F 015F 0069

For the value 0070 1700 here for 6000, DM is,
can input you the following:

000F 2700 = DM 9.999,-
9786 0100 = DM 99.999,-

3F42 0F00 = DM 999.999,-
7F96 9800 = DM 99.999.999,-
FFEO F505 = DM 999.999.999,-

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