Filed under: PC games cheats

Destroy All Humans! Cheats

Destroy All Humans!

Cheat Codes:
Submitted by: David K.

Useful Tips and Tricks (Gameplay and Issues):
Save game files are located in:

Where to find the “engine.ini” file to modify

C:Users[user]AppDataLocalDHSavedConfigWindowsNoEditor in engine.ini

-=How to disable Motion Blur and Depth of Field=-
Here are some useful settings that are on permanently and can be changed


r.Atmosphere=0 ; Removes/Enables atmospheric effects.
r.Fog=0 ; Removes/Enables fog.
r.BloomQuality=0 ; Removes bloom.
r.DefaultFeature.Bloom=0 ; Removes bloom.
r.DefaultFeature.LensFlare=0 ; Removes lensflare.
r.PostProcessAAQuality=0 ; Removes TAA.
r.ShadowQuality=5 ; Makes shadows max.
r.DepthOfFieldQuality=0 ; Removes Depth of Field.
r.ViewDistanceScale=5 ; Max view distance.
r.Shadow.MinResolution=256 ; Min shadow.
r.Shadow.MaxResolution=704 ; Max shadow resolution.
r.Shadow.DistanceScale=5 ; shadow max view.
r.Tonemapper.Quality=0 ; Removes Vignetting, film grain, etc.
r.SceneColorFringe.Max=0 ; removes Chromatic Aberration.
r.SceneColorFringeQuality=0 ; removes Chromatic Aberration.
r.VSync=0 ; removes V-sync.
r.MotionblurQuality=0 ; removes Motionblur.
Just copy and paste modify to your own taste.

Just pick the stuff relevant.

-=How to enable Vsync=-
Make sure the game is set to Fullscreen mode. If it’s set to windowed or
borderless windowed Vsync won’t be available.

-=How to disable anti aliasing (Nvidia)=-
Open Nvidia control panel, go to “3D Settings”, then “Manage 3D Settings”. Scroll
down to “Antialiasing – Mode”. By default it will say “application controlled”.
Clicking this will show a drop-down menu. Select “override application settings”.

FXAA and MFAA will be available from the same settings list. Once you’ve set
Antialiasing – mode to “override”, turn on the one you want to use.
“Antiasliasing – Setting” will let you choose the # of AA samples.

If you switch the top tab from “Global Settings” to “Program Settings”
you can set it to do this only for this game, if you want.

-=How to cancel a throw=-
On the mothership under archives-abilities- cancel Psi-power it literally
says to press R or Y on controller.

-=Infinite Flight bug=-
If you fly until the jetpack runs out of energy, press the escape button (Or I
assume start on controller), Crypto will stop moving for a moment and the jetpack
will fold away, but the fuel gets completely refilled. You can go so high you fail
the mission because you leave the zone.

-=How the disguise system works=-
You have a very small window to use your disguise before you loose it, but the
time can be reset by reading minds. Any mind will do, even chickens.

If you use any weapon or power while being watched, which is noted by an eyeball
on your radar, your disguise will be broken until you kill or otherwise distract
anyone with a mark over their head. It’s usually best to just fall back to a
discrete location and take another disguise after your wanted level goes away though,
a lot less hassle.

-=How do you get more ammo for the disintegrator ray=-
You have to transmorgrify objects to get more ammo for your weapons, it’s a change
from the original where ammo pickups were just lying around the levels. If you are
playing with an Xbox controller, you just press X when targeting an object to turn it into ammo.

-=How to deactivate Holobob=-
It’s ‘G’ on KB+M, might be hold D-pad up on controller? It’s hold ‘B’ to cancel on controller.

-=How to unlock zerofriction=-
Just keep doing missions, you got zerofriction unlocked during the area 42 missions.

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