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Deus Ex: Mankind Divided Cheats

Deus Ex: Mankind Divided

Cheat Codes:
Submitted by: David K.

Easy stealing:
A lot of the nice items in stores are usually located in locked rooms. To easily steal
them, have one large object (you need aug to carry the object) and the ability to hack
the door. Place the object so it fully covers you from view of the store’s guards and
owner of the store, then hack the door and take all the items.

Easy XP and Praxis Kits:
Go to the computer in your apartment in Prague, then navigate to Smart Home. Once you
have chosen the “Smart Home” option, select the “Lock/Unlock Doors” option until the
apartment is locked. Next, jump out of the window in the bathroom and climb back up to
the apartment. You may need Icarus Landing to survive the jump. After climbing back up,
hack the door to unlock it and get 100 XP for each successful hack. The quickest way to
hack is to consider the top left corner of the hacking screen as north. Hack 1 south and
1 east, fortify both directories and port, then hack 1 east and 1 north. Repeat this as
many times as desired. Note: This exploit/glitch was performed on an unpatched version
of the game. It will eventually get patched. To avoid not being able to use this exploit,
either do not install new patches before using this exploit or delete the patches. You
can avoid patches being installed by disconnecting from the internet until you are
ready for the game to install new patches.

Easy grenade launcher:
Near the front entrance that leads into the area where the augmentation doctor lives
in Praque is a police truck. Inside the back of it is a grenade launcher. Simply steal
it to obtain it. If you open it, an alarm will go off.

Defeating the final Boss with a single hit on any difficulty:
To kill Viktor Marchenko using the non-lethal method in stealth (no alarms) on any
difficulty, you need an EMP grenade or EMP mine. Mines work better because he cannot
run away from them. After he is hit by the EMP, you can cloak yourself and sneak up
to him to perform a melee takedown. He goes down in a single hit. He always walks
the same path — just place the mine and hide behind cover. There is an EMP mine and
some crafting parts on the left side upper floor. You can craft a mine template and
then combine it with the EMP mine. If you cannot craft a mine, use the EMP grenade.
Completing the game without killing and triggering alarms unlocks the “Foxiest Of
The Hounds” and “Pacifist” achievements. Completing it on hardest difficulty unlocks
the “I Never Asked For This” achievement.

How to Get Bad Ending:
* Try to Stop Marchenko Over Delegates.
* Defeat Him than get to the VIP room where Everyone is Dead.
* In the News, Eliza will talk about the Augmentation terrorist attack.

How to Get Good Ending:
* Save the Delegates and Mr. Brown.
* Confront Viktor Marchenko.
* Use the Jammer to Stop the Bomb.
* Defeat Him and everything ends Well.
* In the News, Eliza will talk how Mr. Brown thanked Interpol and Tarvos security
helped to save Terror Attack.

Finding Koller’s Workshop (The Easy Way):
Normally, you’ll have to complete the troublesome Golden Ticket side quest if you
want to find Koller’s Workshop. However, there’s an alternate method. In Prague,
after reaching the plaza located between the stone archways (look for a large
boulder suspended overhead), jump to the top of the arch positioned above the
checkpoint. You’ll need to climb the scissor lift nearby in order to make the
leap. Next, jump across the window sills and follow the rooftops until you arrive
at the balcony attached to a pink apartment building. Access that balcony and enter
the building, then climb through the ventilation ducts. You’ll make your way to
the rooftops, so that now you’re positioned over the Time Machine bookstore.
Proceed across the next archway and stick to the right as you follow window sills
and ledges. When you can reach the single-story warehouse, jump to it. With the
cloaking aug active, drop into the warehouse and proceed to the locker room near
the back. Now climb into the vents, breaking a vent cover positioned to your right.
Follow that duct and you’ll finally reach the elevator that grants access to the

Resting Companion Cube:
Remember the companion cube from Portal? You can find it in Deus Ex: Mankind Divided.
Travel to the basement of the store Future-Past Antiky, located in the center of
Prague. There, look behind the stack of boxes and you’ll find the cube.

Doge on the Record:
If Deus Ex: Mankind Divided is any indication, we can expect Doge (the popular
Shiba Inu dog featured in countless memes around the Internet) to remain in our
lives for quite some time yet. In the game, you’ll find his face adorning a record,
which is titled “Doggy Holly” and is produced by “DogeWorld Records.”

SEGA’s Greatest Game of 2029:
It has become a meme of sorts in recent years to add “& Knuckles” to the end of
a game title, with the apparent aim of immediately making it better. As you wander
around the Deus Ex world, you’ll find various shops that feature a (so far fictional)
game from SEGA that takes that meme and carries it to the logical conclusion.
Knuckles & Knuckles & Knuckles sounds pretty good, don’t you think? Apparently,
you’ll have to wait until 2029 for that particular title to become a reality.

Extra Praxis Kits:
Successfully complete the indicated tasks to get additional Praxis Kits:

* Successfully complete Story mode to get two Praxis Kits.
* Successfully complete all levels with “Mastermind” status
(with as few turns as possible) to get one Praxis Kit.
* Successfully complete the first set of weekly puzzles to get one Praxis Kits.
There is a new puzzle to solve each day. You can access them by clicking on the
World icon in the top left corner of the game.
* Successfully complete the second set of weekly puzzles to get one Praxis Kit.

General Tips:
Finding Koller’s Workshop (The Easy Way) – Normally, you’ll have to complete the
troublesome Golden Ticket side quest if you want to find Koller’s Workshop. However,
there’s an alternate method. In Prague, after reaching the plaza located between the
stone archways (look for a large boulder suspended overhead), jump to the top of the
arch positioned above the checkpoint. You’ll need to climb the scissor lift nearby
in order to make the leap. Next, jump across the window sills and follow the rooftops
until you arrive at the balcony attached to a pink apartment building. Access that
balcony and enter the building, then climb through the ventilation ducts. You’ll
make your way to the rooftops, so that now you’re positioned over the Time Machine
bookstore. Proceed across the next archway and stick to the right as you follow window
sills and ledges. When you can reach the single-story warehouse, jump to it. With
the cloaking aug active, drop into the warehouse and proceed to the locker room near
the back. Now climb into the vents, breaking a vent cover positioned to your right.
Follow that duct and you’ll finally reach the elevator that grants access to the

Easter Eggs:
* Resting Companion Cube – Remember the companion cube from Portal? You can find
it in Deus Ex: Mankind Divided. Travel to the basement of the store Future-Past
Antiky, located in the center of Prague. There, look behind the stack of boxes
and you’ll find the cube.

* Doge on the Record – If Deus Ex: Mankind Divided is any indication, we can expect
Doge (the popular Shiba Inu dog featured in countless memes around the Internet)
to remain in our lives for quite some time yet. In the game, you’ll find his face
adorning a record, which is titled “Doggy Holly” and is produced by “DogeWorld

* SEGA’s Greatest Game of 2029 – It has become a meme of sorts in recent years
to add “& Knuckles” to the end of a game title, with the apparent aim of immediately
making it better. As you wander around the Deus Ex world, you’ll find various shops
that feature a (so far fictional) game from SEGA that takes that meme and carries
it to the logical conclusion. Knuckles & Knuckles & Knuckles sounds pretty good,
don’t you think? Apparently, you’ll have to wait until 2029 for that particular
title to become a reality.

Extra Praxis Kits:
Successfully complete the indicated tasks to get additional Praxis Kits:

* Successfully complete Story mode to get two Praxis Kits.
* Successfully complete all levels with “Mastermind” status
(with as few turns as possible) to get one Praxis Kit.
* Successfully complete the first set of weekly puzzles to get one Praxis Kits.
There is a new puzzle to solve each day. You can access them by clicking on the
World icon in the top left corner of the game.
* Successfully complete the second set of weekly puzzles to get one Praxis Kit.

How to Win the Debate with Otar Botkoveli:
Written by Jonathan Whiting.

A Guide on how to Win the Debate with Otar Botkoveli!

1st Response: Straight Talk.
2nd Response: Straight Talk.
3rd Response: Straight Talk.
4th Response: Accept.

After that Otar should let you take the Neuroplasticity Calibrator for free
without a fight.

You will also unlock the Honor holds us all together achievment. Whether the
debate is won or lost doesn’t matter, the achievement will be granted when the
conversation ends regardless of outcome.

Any locked doors can be hacked with multi-tool before eyes of traders like Tars,
police, and other. They actually see that you hack door with multi-tool, but won’t
react in no way.

Easy door hacking:
Any locked doors can be hacked with the multi-tool while tars, police, and others
are watching and they will not react in any way.

Secret keycodes and passwords:
The following is a list of keycodes and passwords in the game. They can be found multiple
ways, such as hacking into computer systems, viewing the e-mails of pocket secretaries,
talking to NPCs, and exploring hidden areas of the game using the mini-map. These codes
are helpful in opening secured doors and lockers without triggering an area-wide alarm.

Location – Description – Code:

In a storage area on the Dubai rooftop (Level 2)

Atrium door keycode in Dubai Penthouse 1B

Zelen Poor Apartment 22
Door keycode to Poor Apartment 22

Zelen Poor Apartment 23
Safe code inside Apartment 23 (on the first floor, to the north and across from the vendor). You can get inside through a window from the ground floor. The safe is hidden behind the refrigerator; the augmentation to move heavy objects is required to reach it. Neuropozyne, revolver, and Biocell are inside.

Zelen Poor Apartment 23
Teresa Petrauska’s computer password (name of the actress on the movie poster behind the computer)

Zelen Poor Apartment 31
Daria Myska’s computer password

Zelen Poor Apartment 41
Josef Severn’s computer password

Capek Fountain Station
Ticket Booth Door keycode

Konicky & Hracky Toys Factory
Security Hub

Konicky & Hracky Toy Factory
Safe code inside the mini storage near Adam’s apartment and Konycky & Hracky building

Konicky & Hracky Toy Factory
Locker code on the right

Svobody Beer Pub
In a building south of Adam’s apartment complex is a pub called Svobody Beer. The owner will request some Neuropozyne. If you give it to her, she will start selling medical supplies for 250 credits and give you the code to her basement door.

Tourist Information Center
Tourist Information Center

Palisade Sewer Level 3
On the third level of Palisade Sewer

Palisade Sewer Level 4
Otar Botkoveli’s casino safe code

Palisade Sewer Level 4
Otar Botkoveli’s computer password in Casino, Security Hub

Basement keycode at DaiTaga

Tech Noir
Storage keycode in Tech Noir

North Prague
Vadim Orlov’s safe code

Near TaskForce 29
Storage locker keycode near TaskForce 29 Headquarters

TaskForce 29
Safe code next to a computer on a desk in a small room in TaskForce 29 building near the shooting range

TaskForce 29
Door keycode to the IT Support area on the first floor of TaskForce 29

TaskForce 29
Computer password in Server room in TaskForce 29

TaskForce 29
Ethan’s computer password in TaskForce 29

TaskForce 29
Vincent Black’s safe code in TaskForce 29

TaskForce 29
Aria Argento’s computer password in room next to the shooting range in TaskForce 29

TaskForce 29
Dr. Jennifer Phillips’ computer password in TaskForce 29 Infirmary

TaskForce 29
TaskForce 29 Infirmary storage room safe code (contains Neuropozyne and Triangle code)

TaskForce 29
Peter Chang’s computer password in TaskForce 29 Level 2

TaskForce 29
Vincent Black’s computer password in his office on Level 2 in TaskForce 29 Organized Crime room (password is case-sensitive)

TaskForce 29
Duncan Macready’s computer password in his office on Level 2 in TaskForce 29 Counter-Terrorism Unit (password is case-sensitive)

Ruzicka Station
Maintenance room door keycode. It is the first door to the right as you climb the stairs towards the police infested restricted area.

Ruzicka Station
Ruzicka Security room door keycode

Ruzicka Station
Security computer’s password

Ruzicka Station
Ticket Booth computer terminal password

Golem City – The Utulek Complex
Dr. Martine Onzime’s safe code (apartment is on Level 4 of the complex in the southwest corner)

Golem City – The Utulek Complex
Police Barracks North on Level 3

Golem City – The Utulek Complex
Medical lockup on Level 3 (behind the police barracks)

Golem City – The Utulek Complex
Locked area

Golem City – The Throat
Code for laser deactivation terminal

Golem City – The Utulek Complex
Locked area

Golem City – ARC Living Quarters
Security gate code

Golem City – ARC Living Quarters
Code for computer in room 350420 in ARC Restricted Area

Golem City – ARC Operations
Code for far left Mini-Storage in ARC Restricted Area (northwest on Level 2 –- close to elevator that takes you to Talos)

Golem City – ARC Operations
Kvido Barkus’ computer password on Level 2

Golem City – ARC Operations
Marek’s computer password on Level 2

Golem City – ARC Operations
Viktor Marchenko’s computer password on Level 2

Golem City – ARC Restricted Area
Ty Zahrada’s security password on Level 5 (controls drones)

Pilgrim Station
Server Room keycode inside Employee Only area of Pilgrim Station

Governmental Registration Office
During Mission 10, you will meet with Janus in the abandoned information center in the Central Plaza. You will get the password for the computer from Agent Kraft, the guard in front of the building.

Time Machine
Door keycode for the Koller’s storage behind his shop

Samizdat’s Office
Door keycode to Samizdat’s office in the sewers

Cybercrimes Office
Selina Carter’s laptop code

Lekarna Pharmacy
Nicholas Cipra’s computer password

Palisade Bank
Executive services room keycode

Palisade Bank
Executive Vault Room A08 keycode

Palisade Bank
Account Management Level 8 keycode

Palisade Bank
Executive A09 safe code on Level 7

Palisade Bank
Keycode for door to Account Manager Office on Level 8 (restricted area)

Palisade Bank
Safe code in the secret room in Vault A

Palisade Bank
Computer password on the third floor in the Security Room

Palisade Bank
Safe code in Vault B

Palisade Bank
Computer password on Level 7 Security Room

Palisade Bank
A button under the desk in the Executive Services Room reveals a safe

Palisade Bank
Maintenance Room keycode in Garage Level 3, to the right of the main entrance

Palisade Bank
Door keycode to IT Services on Level 9

Palisade Bank
Safe code in Room B, Row 01

Palisade Bank
Keycode to the CEO’s office

Palisade Bank
VIP Vault in Room B, Row 06.

Palisade Bank
Safe code to VIP safe of Prybil family

Palisade Bank
John Miller’s safe code

Palisade Station
Keycode for room on third level

Keycode to door in Tubehouse Electronics Store

Palisade Station
Code for Mini-Storage

Kopecky’s Puppet Shop
Keycode for locked workshop in Kopecky’s Puppet Shop

LIMB Clinic
Keycode to open the door to LIMB Clinic during the “Taking Care Of Business” mission

Helipad building near Limb Clinic
Keycode for the front door when told to meet Miller at a helipad during the “Taking Care Of Business” mission

London Apex Center, Floor 2
Keycode for the VIP room in London Apex Centre during the “Secure The Convention Centre” and “Protecting The Future” missions

Allison Complex
Keycode for door that goes up to the fourth floor of Allison Complex

London Apex Centre
For the security override switch in Liam Slater’s office (CSO’s main office). You will use it during the “Secure The Convention Centre” mission

Prague Side Mission
Keycode for locked gate in “Neon Nights” side mission in Dvali base in the sewers near Capek Station

Registration Building near Monument Station
Keycode for back room in the “Golden Ticket” side mission during the objective that leads to the Registration Building

Near Palisade Station
During the “Fade To Black” side mission, Dobromila will give you a map to the storage locker in exchange for the Train Ticket you found in Black’s office. The Vlasta’s storage locker is west of Palisade Station.

Modern apartment – Hlavni 33 (near Palisade Station)
Apartment 201 door keycode

Modern apartment – Hlavni 33 (near Palisade Station)
Right storage locker on the ground floor

Modern apartment – Hlavni 33 (near Palisade Station)
Left storage locker on the ground floor
Safehouse near Red Queen

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