Filed under: PC games cheats

Die Hard Trilogy 2 – Viva Las Vegas Cheats

Die Hard Trilogy 2 – Viva Las Vegas

Cheat Codes:
To use cheats, pause the game (press ESC) and then
just enter them:

For all modes:
PAINLESS – Be Invincible
ALPHABLEND – Figure out yourself
FOGGING – Toggle fogging on/off
BACKFACE – Figure out yourself
LODBLEND – Figure out yourself
FOLLOWME – Move the camera
FLYCAM – Figure out yourself

Sharpshooting mode:
WEAPONS – Get all weapons
AMMO – Get unlimited ammo
AUTOFIRE – Guess again 😉
SLOWMO – Enemies are slower
SLOWROCKET – Rockets are slower

Driving mode:
GHOST – Ghost mode (drive through walls)
NITRO – Get unlimited nitros
FREEZE – Toggle timelimit
CHANTASTIC – Drive faster
CAMORAMA – Figure out yourself
COOLCAM – Figure out yourself
SNOW – Snow :p
SUSONLY – Drive only with tires

Action-adventure mode:
WEAPONS – Get all weapons
AMMO – Get unlimited ammo
FREEZE – Freeze your enemies
TARGETING – Toggle Auto-Targeting
LASER – Toggle Laser at Targeting
ZDAMP – Figure out yourself
GHOST – Ghost mode (walk through walls)
FOLLOWTERRAIN – Jump as high as you want
MRBONES – Be a skeleton
SHOCKED – Be electric
WIREFRAME – Figure out yourself
FPS – Get in a Doom-like perspective
FRAGYUCK – A little more blood and less heads :p
PILLOWMODE – Small heads big body
BIGHEAD – Big head small body

Defeating Viktor Rashenko:
In the “Desert Bunker” level, when you have gotten all three security
cards and have put them in the main console, head for the Blue security
door near the start of the level (the door with the lasers and the gun).
However, before you do this, equip your 9mm pistol and make sure you
have at least half health. By doing this, you should be ready to easily
win a tough battle. After deactivating the lasers, go through the Blue
security door. Upon entering, the door will slam shut behind you and
Viktor Rashenko, one mean terrorist with one mean flamethrower, will
come down on an elevator babbling about how he will “break” you. To
start off the battle, do not move. Wait for Viktor to come around the
corner. When he does this, he should send a burst of fire your way
(chances are it will not even touch you). When he does this, quickly
run directly up to him and start firing your 9mm very quickly. By doing
this, Viktor will just stand there (he will not fire his flamethrower)
and will fall quickly. Note: When shooting Viktor, there will be times
when you will automatically reload — do not worry about this.

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