Filed under: PC games cheats

Dinotopia Cheats


In the game there’s a dinosaur named Onno who plays a card game
with you called TREBLE. You need to win two hands from her to
get the necklace and the brass hinge you need to finish the game,
but she’s tough to beat when it comes to cards.

Here’s the cheat: Bet one of your possessions against one of
Onno’s. When the card game starts, press the back-apostrophe
key [`] once. It won’t make a noise or flash a graphic on the
screen to tell you it’s working, but Onno will get REALLY STUPID.
You’ll be able to win your trinkets from her with ease.

Press the apostrophe(‘) key once and only once and Onno, the card
playing dinosaur gets really stupid and it becomes very esy to
beat her at Treble.

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