Filed under: PC games cheats

Dr.Brain – Puzzle Madness Cheats

Dr.Brain – Puzzle Madness

Cheat Codes:
Enter one of the following codes at the main map:

Effect Code
Android – #3ro83
Cab Token – #20184
Ear Muffs – #2ov4r
Flash Gun – #5L0s7
Gas Mask – #0m0sk
Ice Gun – #on824
Infrared Goggles – #s867t
Jet Boots – #1oots
Hover Taxi – #7ov4r
Laser Reflective Cuffs – #2u55s
Meatstick Vendor – #st82k
Monkey – #278mp
Parabolic Mirror – #m8ror
Signal Jammer – #90m4r
Smoke Bomb – #smok4
Wire Cutters – #2ut8t

Unlockables – Game Ending:
To view the game’s ending cinematic, perform the following task:
Defeat Dr. Brain’s Twin

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