Filed under: PC games cheats

Drowned God Cheats

Drowned God

Cheat Codes:
When trying to beat your opponent in the Knights Templar
puzzle, losing two out of three games sends you back to
the start. To avoid this, when you lose a game, click to
exit the puzzle when you hear the scathing remarks about
your failure. Then, click back on the puzzle again, and
you’ll be able to pick up where you left off. -Sometimes
it’s hard to hear. So save often and replay segments where
you think you may have missed critical facts. Keep in mind,
however, that you’re limited to just six save positions.
To get around the problem of having only six save-game
locations, back up or compress the six dgsave#.dat files
(where # is a number from 0-5) and the dgnames.dat file.
You can restore them later if you need to backtrack in the

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